Feeling frustration in the face of evil? Right now, we’re in the middle of a spiritual warefare, possibly like nothing ever seen before on such a world-wide scale.

Un-elected goons are dictating selfish despicable mandates to guv’mnts around the globe, to supposedly democratic countries…

Which of course, we all know, are corporations disguised as guv’mnts…

So where’s the hope for us?

Turning to the instruction manual, (the Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth) we see King David writing about this situation, over 3000 years ago…

Everywhere today, people are asking why and how such Satanic practices can be forced on us, through corporatised legis-lat-ion by Acts, Statutes, Codes, Rules and Regulations…

Being imposed by elected leaders in many nations around the world.

Freedom of speech is on the edge of extinction, because those guv’nmnts want to control what is true. Worse than that, they want to dictate what is right and what is wrong, based on what?

Based on what they say is right and wrong.

This is evidence of what (we were warned) would happen many moons ago… See 1 Samuel 8:5-19.

Told You So!

When MAN worships the created, and not the Creator… And MAN wants to play God, dictating what we can and cannot say and do…

You may ask, just as King David does in Psalm 10, why God is not intervening right here, right now, and in exactly the way we’d prefer.

We are seeing so-called “leaders”, manyof whom are blatantly evil people, experience “success”… That’s if we judge “success” from a position of celebrity, career and commercial fame.

Feeling Frustration

These are living men and women, in positions of guvment and “authority”… Actively attacking moms and dads, boys and girls, families, and single people… Vulnerable people, including the poor, helpless, and weak…

As we watch any last remnants of our freedom being vacated.

And, what’s worse, those living men and women, hiding under their umbrellas of guv’nmnts, are bragging about their antics.

Showing no shame or remorse… And at the same time acting perplexed by the unprecedented numbers of innocent victims dropping dead from forced vack-sin-ations.

On judgement day, there’ll be plenty of wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Many of the world’s powerful leaders are ignoring God’s will… And doing everything they can to brush Him aside as if He simply does not exist.

Maybe they are being compromised, or blackmailed – either way, these people appear to assume they won’t have to face any consequences for their actions. (Psalm 10:2–7).

Today we are witnessing the unprecedented use of force, extortion, and other methods of manipulation, to target unsuspecting and vulnerable people.

The same living man or woman who might claim God doesn’t exist, seems unaware that God will know or care about their sin (Psalm 10:8–11).

Are those people who turn from God assuming He will not judge them for their sins?

Today, there are many people following King David’s example… praying that God will disrupt the power of these wicked people… Scouring and judging their lives until every bit of sin has been found out (Psalm 10:12–15).

God’s word produces confidence, that He does keep his promises (Psalm 10:16–18)

Remember this: Eternity is a loo-ong time, so be sure you make the right choices…

If you’re undecided, read the outcome in “The Revelation”.

There is hope for us feeling frustration in the face of evil.