Correct Sentence Structure frees you from bondage by grammar, and fraudulent one-sided contracts, says David-Wynn Miller. Read more about David HERE

David-Wynn Miller’s old website contains many pages, archived here.

[“DWM” is mentioned in many articles on this website. The following is taken from one of his many lectures that are freely available online…]

Who is DWM?

My name is full colon David hyphen Wynn full colon Miller,”
[:David-Wynn: Miller]

“The reason I use a full colon and a hyphen in my name, the first full colon, which is full colon David, it means “For the David hyphen Wynn”.

That’s my given name, and it’s also a noun, because it uses a prepositional phrase. …

“Because I use prepositional phrases, through punctuation, which is classified as hieroglyphics, which makes me a FACT”.

Correct Sentence Structure Punctuation

“Now, when you don’t punctuate your name …

David is an adjective, Wynn is an adjective, Miller is a pronoun.

“David Wynn Miller” = (syntax) adjective-adjective-pronoun

Two adjectives are a condition of modification, opinion, presumption, which modifies the pronoun, = (syntax) pro =no; noun =no.

So therefore, I (David Wynn Miller ) am not a fact. I’m a fiction.”

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Court Transcript – Extract:

The following is the edited transcript of a directions hearing in November 2009, before McClellan CJ in the trial division of the New South Wales Supreme Court, Australia.

[All Words Have 900 Definitions]

DWM: The syntax … I am the judge, who in 1988, wrote the mathematical interface on all 5,000 languages proving that language is a linear equation in algebra certifying that all words have 900 definitions through this mathematical algebraic formula.

And over the course of the past 21 years have developed an accuracy level in the syntaxing of language sentence structure to prove the Correct Sentence Structure Communication Syntax Language is required in a court system.

Now, the seal behind you which advertises the Crown’s seal and jurisdiction of this court uses the Correct Syntax.

That is why you have the dots.

Now, the dots between the words are prepositional phrases.

There’s only two places where dots as allowed as a syntax prepositional phrase to certify the value of each word.

And that is on money, coinage and on seals.

[ Correct Sentence Structure ]

When you created, when your Government created the seal they used the Correct Sentence Structure, they used the correct syntax and they are advertising that you have the correct syntax and knowledge of it.

I have looked at the paperwork for the past twelve years and both the doctor and the State, in one hundred percent of every single sentence you have got in that folder is modified with adverbs and adjectives.

And there is not one legal sentence or a prepositional phrase to certify the value of any word.

So, therefore, the facts of the case have been have been muddled since this case started twelve years ago.

Grammar Fraud

The necessity of having the accuracy of a fact in a court… if you are not in a fact you have not committed perjury. And Bernie Madhoff, who you would know, walks away from Wall Street with $69 billion, and is prosecuted under the Fictitious Conveyance Of Language of Title 18, Section 1001.

Now, this law, Title 18- Section 1001, is required on all 250 countries’ passports.

In other words, fraudulent conveyance.

The title 15 chapter 2(b) section 78FF carries a $25 million fine to modify language to extort money from a private citizen from a corporation.

This gentleman represents corporation.

And every single document he has filed has been modified with adverbs and adjectives.

So if you are going to modify a fact and change it to something that is not what the true definition of that word is you have got a babble of information in front of you.

Now, I know that when we communicate, you and I – you’ve got a mess”.

[Further discussion ensued and the directions hearing was adjourned for some weeks to allow the applicant to apply to amend his Statement of Claim.]

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When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.”
Confucius (551 BCE – 479 BCE)

Remember this: Everything in the world revolves around contracts, and few people know that we have become slaves of English Grammar…

Even less people are taking the time and effort to learn how to change their situation to become free from that tyranny…

Instead, they sit back, complain and whinge about paying fines, penalties, infringements etc.

What are you waiting for?

Now’s the time to start the journey to free yourself from the slavery of English Grammar, by making the first step by completing your details HERE, and we’ll get back to you quicker than Houdini escaping from a straightjacket twenty feet under water.