Qld Courts and Banksters; Queensland, was created out of the former colonies by s.106 of The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act … States are “subject to this constitution” and this implies also the legal principles embedded in the Federal Constitution.

This article is taken from “Banksters – Gangsters – Traitors” Do you own research. And don’t take any of it as legal or financial advice.

Unlawful Constitution:

The Queensland Constitution of 1876 was unconstitutionally amended by the Constitution Amendment Act 1921, with the PURPORTED abolition of the Upper House in dubious circumstances, following a referendum in which Queensland electors voted against abolition. A legislative council, packed with nominees of the government, nonetheless voted itself out of existence

Invalid Amendments

All amendments since then have been ULTRA VIREUS (Invalid) ie there never has been any valid amendments to the Queensland State Constitution, nor have any Laws been validly enacted since 1922 because the purported abolishment of the Upper House didn’t overcome the fact that all laws first must be passed by the Upper House, before they can receive ROYAL ASSENT.

The QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ” is Unlawfully Constituted, for the above reason, and more so for the reasons summarised below;

(a) The “QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT” took Power by deception of Qld Courts and Banksters, a silent political coup d’etat … via the Invalid, Corrupted 2001 Constitution.
(b) Constitutional history was retrospectively rewritten to gut the Historic, Genuine 1876 “State of Queensland”, which historically was operated by a Government FOR Queensland, within the Commonwealth of Australia.
(c) Fraudulently superimposed over the historic shell of the 1876 Constitution was the 2001 Constitution, with a Corporation “STATE OF QUEENSLAND” ABN75818456675 -USSEC 0001244818 , which operates the GOVERNMENT OF QUEENSLAND
(d) The parchment for Bill No. 80 of 2001 to consolidate particular laws relating to the Constitution of the State of Queensland, and for other purposes, has not been signed by the then Governor Peter Arnison, it was been signed by a person unknown … nor has the signature been designated underneath by the Title “Governor” … nor affixed with the “Seal of the Governor”.

Unlawful Qld Courts and Banksters

The QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ” Courts are UNLAWFUL … since 2001 there is no longer separation of powers and common law, they are an instrument of Government … the evidence shows more trickery of Qld Courts and Banksters:

i. All Courts have been instructed not to use the device which embosses on a label “The Seal of the Supreme Court of Queensland”… to put it in locked storage, and to use an Unlawful Stamp on all Court documents.

ii. All Courts have removed the photo of Queen Elizabeth and her Royal Coat of Arms, and replaced them with the Coat of Arms of the QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION ABN15736217171 USEC 0000852555 (Schedule 4) iii. Judges and Magistrates refuse to produce their “Instrument of Office”, or their “Oath of Office, or their Oath of Allegiance”.

The Unlawful “QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ” will not provide a Lawful Common Law De Jure Court with 12 Jurors … under the Unlawful 2001 Constitution, in Queensland, there are only Unlawful Corporate Tribunals, ie Courts De Facto, dealing in Statute Law (Admiralty law of the sea).


On 29th January 1999, a Queensland politician, tabled a document in the Queensland Parliament … that document sat for 12 months (sine die) and because not one elected parliamentarian questioned the proposal, it became legal.

It moved the Governor of the State of Queensland, the Representative of the Crown in Queensland into the Constitution Act 1867 as a parliamentary secretary and a public official.

The Governor now conducts the daily business of the corporation of the State and with the use of the Public Seal of the State, seals all documents signed by the Crown.

Separation Of Powers And Common Law

This fractured the separation of powers and common law in the State of Queensland and also removed Queensland as a State of the Commonwealth of Australia and out of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act without a referendum of the sovereign people to remove the entrenched provisions as described in the Constitution Act 1867, section
At the time the Governor signed into law the new Queensland Constitution he created a situation where ;
1. It was done without a referendum of the people
2. The entrenched provisions were removed.

3. The Legislative Assembly have only one vote and the Premier/President has the vote of veto on anything.

4. The Supreme and District Courts, Judges of those Courts and the Police Force no longer operate under the Judicial Code of the Australian Constitution but under regulations of the QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT.

5. The public officials of “the State” – are no longer public servants of the Crown but public servants of “the State”, having their powers delegated to them from the Minister of the State and have policing powers.

6. Removed the Separation of Powers from Queensland .

7. QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT no longer recognises either the High Court of Australia or the Federal Court.

8 Moved the state of Queensland past the Queensland 1867 and effectively rendered Queensland an independent and sovereign state within the Federation of Australia.

Common Law Removed from Queensland

9. Removed Common Law from Queensland
The common law has been removed from the Supreme Court Act 1995, which now follows the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules. QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT now enacts civil and statute law only.

Civil law and statute law have a very different requirement for the committing of any offence, whether an indictable offence, a summary offence, a simple offence or an absolute offence such as a traffic offence where a guilty mind is not required to commit that offence.

Under the civil law system, which is now subject to the Uniform Civil Procedures Rules of the Supreme Court Act 1991(Qld), every person is guilty until they prove their innocence.

The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Queensland is now found in the Constitution of Queensland 2001, Part 5 – Powers of the State.

The Judges of the Supreme and District Courts of Queensland must protect the ‘assets’ of the QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT and find only in favour of the State.

10.Queensland is now the Brigalow Corporation and all citizens are chattels under that corporation, administered by QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT

All ownership rights have been assimilated into the Corporation including bank accounts, land ownership and more.

The citizens, including the Aboriginal population, hold only statutory title.

Brigalow Corporation (of the State of Queensland) originated in the old Queensland Crowns Lands Act and came about through the Qld Courts and Banksters… With Queensland Government borrowing from the Federal Government funds to develop what was termed the “Brigalow Belt” (about 4 million acres) out from Rockhampton during the 1960’s.

The old Crowns Lands Act (Queensland) has now been converted to the “Land Act 1994 (Qld)” and this is where you can find the “Brigalow Corporation” today.

Brigalow Corporation

In essence the government of Queensland has moved all the Crowns Land AND all Crown Land that was sold (fee simple) into the Brigalow Corporation through the Land Act, Land Title Act, Property Law Act, etc, etc, etc.

This was achieved through a series of Constitutional changes that were “Reprinted” into and out of the 1867 Constitution commencing in 1996 with “Reprint no 1” and ending with the introduction of the 2001 Queensland Constitution Act (whole new constitution) all without a referendum of any sort.

Once the necessary changes to the “Engine” have been made then amending or moving all subordinate laws is very simple, just reprint them starting with the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld).

The “Brigalow Corporation” in not Listed as a “Public” company on the Stock Exchange, it is an “Exempt Public Authority” which is found by definition at s9 and 5A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) (in right of the crown), except there is no “Crown” in Queensland, just “the State”.

The term “The State” or as written in most the modern Queensland statutes,
“This Act binds the state” is reminiscent of Stalin’s Russia, and Mao’s China, where everything was the property of “The State”.

The Brigalow corporation of Queensland, when it was formed, had no assets, it had to acquire assets if they wished to borrow.

Under the Queensland Government (Land Holding) Amendment Act 1992, they immediately took all the Crown land and estates in fee simple registered under the Property Law Act 1974 as equity for the corporation. All without compensation to the registered owners of the property whether they live in Queensland or anywhere else. And they converted that property for their own use, contrary to Chapter 7 of the Criminal Code Act 1995(C’wth) – The proper administration of Government.

Land Ownership Rights

All laws in Queensland are being frantically reprinted with the necessary changes to reflect Queensland’s new status… And to remove all previous knowledge.

The various government departments have been destroying old documentation carrying the Crown Seal, including title deeds. Documents now carry the Brigalow Corp Seal.

The sovereign people of the Commonwealth of Australia have never been required at a referendum by virtue of section 128 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia to vote to allow “the State” of Queensland” to fracture the Commonwealth and become an independent sovereign state.

These issues regarding our land ownership rights and the situation in Queensland have been placed before the High Court of Australia.

QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT can totally ignore the High Court because QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT does not know them under their new Constitution. So this could destroy the High Court’s ability to be obeyed in any court of Australia.

If the High Court does not rule for the people, then the Justices are giving government free licence to arbitrarily inflict more and more severe regulations and acts upon the people. This is in every State, as well as effectively destroying the Constitution this court was established to protect.

Therefore if the legislature removes the “Inheritance” or can not guarantee the inheritance of a “title of inheritance” that once existed, but by virtue of a statute has been removed. And IN DOING SO also imposes a penalty (for destroying ones inheritance and therefore private property) therein lies an “ABSOLUTE TAKING”.

The “Penalty” and criminal prosecution means that you have destroyed “their property not yours. Therefore the inheritance has transferred to the Government and the “Public”.

Qld Courts Removes All Land Ownership

On Thursday 3rd October 2007, several Queensland court cases went through the High Court of Australia. Judges presiding made rulings over residential and rural land… They effectively remove all land ownership from the people of Queensland… Which puts that land ownership squarely into the hands of the State Government.

The ruling that ‘fee simple’ and the ‘common law’ are now no longer recognised in Queensland. This was upheld by the High Court of Australia. Trickery by Qld Courts and Banksters. So Queenslanders are no longer are part of the Commonwealth. And that they no longer have ownership or say in their land. So that Queensland is a separate entity that can make its own laws.

Why did the High Court make this ruling?

Under “Peace, Order and Good Government”, State and Federal Government can make laws that cannot be called illegal.

To question them, they must be taken to court.

However, the judicial system can only recognise a properly constructed case.

A judge cannot tell you where you have gone wrong, or offer you advice in the middle of a case.

They are also hindered or helped by existing laws, acts, regulations and such.

Many believe we have no justice left in this country, in fact, justice is blind.

She can only answer what she is asked to answer.

If we don’t ask the right questions, we get the wrong answer.

We believe we are now asking the right questions. There can be only 2 responses from the High Court.

1. We lose, in which case, they will be clearly telling every Australian that  Fee Simple land ownership are gone. As well as Common Law, and the Australian Constitution.

2. We win, in which case all government levels in Australia have been removing our rights fraudulently.

Think clearly about what a loss will mean.