The secret combination is well and truly under way all around you.

The banks have a deal going with the politicians and the so-called ‘establishment’. Simply put, the politicians give total control to the banks (partly because they are too lazy and dense to learn and understand what the banks are really up to). And the ‘establishment’ lives like a parasite off the carcass of the deal.

“What kind of justice is it when the nobleman, the banker, the money lender, in short, those who do nothing productive, glory in riches while the day labourers, teamsters, blacksmiths, carpenters and field workers, whose work cannot be dispensed with for a year, can sweat out a miserable existence at a level below that of beasts of burden.

“Our animals do not work so long, are better fed and have greater security than they do, for our workers are pressed down by the hopelessness of the situation and the expectation of beggary in old age.

“What they are paid does not cover their daily needs and to save for old age is out of the question. So we find shocking waste, luxury, triviality and vanity on the one side and abject misery on the other.”

– Sir Thomas More, ‘Utopia’,

Sounds like today? This was written in was 1515 A.D., yet nothing has changed.

Without the farmers the nation is doomed. The best (worst) anarchists know (as the Communist Manifesto clearly stated) that the quickest and most brute, way to control any country is to destroy the agricultural sector and control the money supply.

To see how it all comes together in real terms today, read ‘The Underground Empire – Where Crime and Government Embrace‘, James Mills, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1987.

This study documents life of the underground empire formed by secret alliances between governments and criminal groups… Engaging in every crime conceivable including murder, kidnapping, subversion but chiefly narcotics trafficking.

You’ll learn about the banks… The common interlace between the hard-core drug barons and professional criminals; and the governments which we elect from time to time.

Who are the parties in the secret combination?

1. The Banks
Banks control the issue and with-holding of credit throughout the nation. When the undertaker recently did his rounds of the cemetery seeking to learn how he could unstuff Australia he went to the banks. The banks didn’t go to him. He had to go to them, cap in hand.

Should the embalmer win the ‘top job’ at the next federal election then things will be more cosy because he is a banker. Make no mistake about it; the banks really do control the cemetery.

2. The Lawyers
Someone once said that when the lawyers proliferate the society degenerates. We have lawyers everywhere. They control the courts, the judiciary and the so-called justice system. Lawyers are thick on the ground in both the main political parties and in the public service. They’re part of the secret combination holding the whole rotten system together.

3. The Public Service
Many civil servants are so uncivil as to make one laugh if it wasn’t hurting so much. They draft the legislation and the plethora of mind-bending regulations which has Australia well and truly tied in knots. Acting as masters, not servants, they run the politicians of all parties.

They are at the core of the power structure, immobile and unmovable. Read ‘This Crossman Diaries‘ by British Labor Minister Richard Crossman; they were the basis of the TV series ‘Yes Minister’.

Fortunately for the victims there are some honest men and women in the bureaucracy (the whistleblowers) and that is at least a glow of light in the darkness of the tunnel.

Banksters In Control

4. The Rural Counsellors
They are merely an arm of the state which is itself run by the banks. Ask them by whom they are paid and then you know where their loyalties lie. Their real function is to get you to sell your real wealth to ‘your’ bank… And then quietly go down to the social security office and become one of the faceless 980,000 unemployed in the cemetery.

If the rural counsellors were really acting in the best interests of the farmers then they would be showing the farmers how to stay on their properties.

5. The Farmers Federations
They are nothing more than a part of the ‘establishment’, there to keep you quiescent. Like a chook farmer they come out into the cemetery every now and then and throw a handful of chook food to you. They watch you scrabble in the dirt for a bit. And then go back to their plush offices and cosy relationship with the rest of the team.

The obvious unenforceable way farm mortgages are usually signed is a prime example why don’t the rural counsellors tell their client farmers about that halo piece of information?

6. Federal and State Parliaments
The members are mostly there for the superannuation and gold passes. These “elected” representatives pass the legislation which they rarely read and even more rarely understand.

You’re better off voting all your federal and state parliamentarians out of office as soon as possible (unless they are true independents). You couldn’t be any worse off electing in the town drunk or a pensioner.

Controlling The Secret Combination

7. The Political Parties
They control the non-independent members of parliament. Political Parties aren’t mentioned in the Constitutions of Australia or of the sovereign states. They have no legal or constitutional powers to control the people’s parliaments but they do. (Just as the banks have no legal or constitutional power to create and control credit). These Political Parties aren’t accountable to the people, and their members are only a tiny minority of the people.

The people who run the banks are the real managers of the overall game-plan. They try to keep the separate parties isolated so that they can be played off against each other like squabbling children.

Always keep in mind that the banks have total control over the nations’ credit. And until we, the people, wrest that secret control off them, they’ll continue to be the masters of our lives and destiny.

Are each of these separate parties aware of the scam?

They are now.

Most people in the banks, simply don’t know how their masters create cost-free book- entry credit. Or how they are illegally selling “credit” (at no cost to themselves). Turning the screws on victims like you, in exchange for your real wealth.

But now they know.

[source: How to screw your bank, by Laurence F. Hoins (1992) ]