Deceptive trade practices in Australia occur daily, through the “smoke and mirrors” of conveyance of language.

When an organization, corporation, or any other entity employs deceptive language, it constitutes what we term as “deceptive trade practices.” Such actions often result in harm to the victim while benefiting the coffers of these entities through ill-gotten gains.

It’s important to note that all governments function as corporations, and the legal systems they operate are often profit-driven entities operating under various trade names. Consequently, there are limited safeguards in place to protect individual rights.

The primary aim of these corporate entities is to instill fear among the less privileged individuals, leading them into a state of involuntary servitude. The primary tool utilized by these fear-mongers is the deceptive manipulation of language.

Deceptive Language Claims

At the heart of this issue lie companies that thrive on deception, exploiting loopholes and exploiting consumer trust for financial gain. These entities often resort to a playbook of tactics that includes making false and misleading claims. They may withhold crucial evidence, and outright refusal to engage in fair dispute resolution.

Under Section 18 of the Competition and Consumer Act, it is unlawful for a person, in trade or commerce, to engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive, or is likely to mislead or deceive. This provision applies to both individuals and corporations, and it covers a wide range of activities.

Additionally, Section 29 of the Act prohibits false or misleading representations concerning goods or services. This may mean false representations about the standard, quality, value, grade, composition, style, or model of goods or services.

Deceptive trade practice: The Impact on Consumers

Such deceptive practices not only erode consumer trust but also pose tangible risks to public health and safety. When companies prioritize profit over integrity, unsuspecting consumers become unwitting victims of false advertising and subpar products. From health supplements promising miraculous weight loss to financial institutions concealing hidden fees, the repercussions of deceptive trade practices are far-reaching and often devastating.

Moreover, the refusal to negotiate disputes and engage in transparent communication further exacerbates the harm inflicted upon consumers. When faced with grievances, companies employing deceptive tactics often resort to delaying tactics and legal maneuvers, leaving consumers feeling powerless and marginalized.

Misleading Language or False Representations

In the face of such rampant misconduct, regulatory bodies and consumer watchdogs play a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights and interests of the public. Organizations like the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are tasked with enforcing laws and regulations designed to combat deceptive trade practices and ensure corporate accountability.

The Australian Consumer Law (ACL), which is contained within Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act, further strengthens consumer protections against deceptive trade practices. The ACL is jointly administered and enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the state and territory consumer protection agencies.

Under the ACL, consumers have rights to:

1. Obtain accurate information about goods and services.
2. Be protected against unfair contract terms.
3. Receive guarantees regarding the quality and fitness for purpose of goods and services.
4. Seek redress and compensation for misleading conduct or false representations.

Moreover, the ACL provides remedies for consumers who have been harmed by deceptive conduct, including the right to seek injunctions, damages, or other appropriate remedies through the courts.

In addition to federal laws, various state and territory legislation address deceptive trade practices. However, the  principles of consumer protection and prohibition of misleading conduct are consistent across Australia under ACL.

Remedy for Deceptive Trade Practices

In most cases, it’s abundantly clear that this organization is deliberately keeping vital information from the public eye. They demand money, fees, and penalties from us without explanation or transparency.

Their deliberate lack of disclosure, coupled with their manipulative use of adverb-verb language, allows them to deceive us. They fabricate false accusations using falsified documents. The structure of their system is designed to to place us at a legal disability

So we claim our handicapped status and charge them with breaching the rights of the handicapped. Because the government is mandated to break down barriers that hinder the disabled, not exacerbate them.

For whatever selfish reasons they have, they are committing Deprivation of our Rights, obstructing justice, and causing us personal harm. We will pursue legal action against them for civil Deprivation of the Rights, and Conspiracy, under the Color of Law. These actions cause the criminal Deprivation of the Rights, and criminal obstruction of justice perpetrated under the guise of authority.

The best place to start, is here, by learning how to prove their manipulative use of adverb-verb language.