Letter to lawyers and their alleged debt claims. This is not legal advice. Do your own research before you blindly “cut and paste”:

You claim to be appointed and/or representing HJKL bank, but fail to provide any evidence or supply the name of the alleged accuser. Anyone with half a brain knows that HJKL Bank is a dead entity that cannot think, speak, read, write, or take any actions, therefore you are making false claims.

You make unsubstantiated claims about alleged liabilities yet fail to provide any evidence to support your claims

On top of that You use threatening and intimidating language in your attempts to extort monies for which you have failed to show any justification.

When challenged to provide evidence in support of your claims and allegations, you make a blanket denial and fail to take responsibility for your actions

You breach regulatory and debt collection guidelines as well as breaching statutory lending laws and procedures in your attempts to unlawfully demand monies

Evidence suggests that you have taken “legal fees” for committing the above crimes, which is in itself a crime.

You were offered a way to remedy your breaches in peace and in goodwill. The deadline for that offer, as you know, has expired.

If you wish to protect your brand and personal reputations, this matter can be settled quickly, peacefully and quietly, right now.

The above actions by these lawyer Actors have caused damage, both mentally, physically and financially. You’re placing your victims in a legally disadvantaged position. By failing to provide the evidence demanded, you have handicapped your victims. It also seems you’ve no intention to amicably resolve the matters raised by these lawyer Actors. Your predatory actions have been nothing short of abhorrent.

Where’s The Proof?

The lawyers lack of full disclosure, fictitious use of language, together with intention to defraud by false or misleading statements. They omit to state material facts. And dishonestly gaining a benefit by deception, or by any other fraudulent means is a serious crime.

Take a pink-marker-pen and highlight all the adverbs, and green to highlight the verbs in your documents. You’ll then realise that all the words that aren’t pink or green are Adjectives and Pronouns.

But there is no claim, because the contract was void from the start. You can explain that in your letter to lawyers.

You simply have to be able to prove it. Get started here