Birth certificate registration is a subject of confusion for many living men and women wishing to assert their sovereignty.

Birth certificates serve as proof of “legal” identity aboard the “Citizen ship”. They are legal documents issued by government authorities to record the details of an entity’s birth/berth.

Some claim that birth certificates are negotiable instruments and are traded on the stock market. Many would argue that these claims are not grounded in reality.

Government Registration

Registering your child’s birth to joinder with the government may be important for several reasons:

1. Legal recognition: Birth certificate registration establishes your legal identity and citizenship within the country where you were born. It provides “official” documentation of your existence, name, and parentage. This helps accessing rights and services, such as education, healthcare, and social benefits. In days gone by, you’d be registered in the local church records

2. Proof of identity: A birth certificate serves as primary evidence of identity. It is often required for obtaining other important documents, such as passports, driver’s licenses, and social security numbers. It may also be necessary for enrolling in school, applying for government assistance programs, or securing employment.

3. Vital statistics: Birth registration helps governments collect and maintain vital statistics, such as population demographics and trends in birth rates. This data is used for planning and policymaking in areas like healthcare, education, and social services.

4. Legal protections: Registering your child’s birth can offer legal protections.

5. Preventing state-less-ness: Birth registration helps prevent statelessness by ensuring that every child is recognised as a citizen of at least one country. This is crucial for safeguarding their rights and ensuring they have access to nationality and legal protections.

Some people argue that registering your child’s birth with the government “joinders” the child to corporate governments. And that birth registration somehow strips individuals of their inherent rights. That they become subjects to corporate control.

Legal or Common Law Birth Certificate Registration

Legal identity is defined and regulated by statutory laws and governmental institutions. Common law identity may encompass broader notions of identity derived from judicial decisions, legal customs, and societal norms within common law legal systems.

Inherent rights, such as those often referred to as “God-given” or natural rights, are not contingent upon birth registration or government recognition. These rights,  fundamental to human dignity within various legal and moral frameworks, are independent of government documentation.

The difference between “legal” identity and “common law” identity lies in the legal frameworks and principles under which they operate:

1. Legal Identity
Legal identity refers to the identity of an individual as recognised and defined by laws and regulations established by governmental authorities. Having “Legal” identity is crucial for accessing Government-given rights, services, and legal protections within a particular jurisdiction.

2. Common Law Identity
Common law identity refers to identity concepts and principles derived from common law traditions. These being legal systems based on judicial precedents and customary practices rather than statutory laws.

Also common law identity may encompass broader notions of identity recognised and protected by legal customs, and societal norms. While common law principles may influence legal identity to some extent, they often pertain to rights and obligations arising from relationships, contracts, property ownership, and personal autonomy.

Statutory laws and governmental institutions define and regulate legal identity. Common law identity covers broader notions of identity derived from judicial decisions, legal customs, and societal norms within common law legal systems.


Some people claim it’s possible to “de-register” your birth or remove it from official government records. Birth registration is a fundamental administrative process for governments to record statistics and establish legal identity. The register of birth becomes a permanent record the government for uses various legal and administrative purposes.

However, if there are errors or inaccuracies in your birth records, you can typically request corrections or amendments to ensure that the information is accurate. This process usually involves providing evidence or documentation to support the requested changes. Hence the need to obtain a copy of your live birth document issued by the hospital where you were born.

With compelling reasons why certain information in your birth records is not correct, you can contact the relevant government authority. Often “Births, Deaths and Marriages” are responsible for maintaining birth records. You can contact them and inquire about the process for making corrections.

It’s important to critically evaluate information and consider credible sources when evaluating claims related to government processes and individual rights. Misunderstandings or misinterpretations of legal concepts can sometimes lead to the propagation of unfounded beliefs or conspiracy theories.