Errors of Govt registration docs have come to the surface. It starts with the “Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth”, pursuant to the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 (U.K.)
Here’s a draft letter that explains the situation, that you may wish to adjust to suit:
To: Relevant Government Department
[Relevant Office/Department Name]
[Address of the office]
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Request for Correction of Errors in Official Government Documents
I hope this letter finds you well.
You are formally requested to correct errors made in your government-issued documents, including the passport and citizenship records. Upon review of these documents, you will see discrepancies and errors or lack of proper due diligence during their issuance.
Specifically, you’ll observe the “Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth” (the Certificate) does not include a family name for the child. Given that the Certificate was issued by the Registrar, it is reasonable to assert that the information stated on the document is correct.
This creates a problem with the issuing of government documents like a passport or driver licence. Isn’t supporting documentation required for full identification?
No corrections were made or pointed out at the time of issuance, including the fact that there’s no surname listed on the source document. As a result, subsequent documents issued now contain incorrect additional names… A new government created legal fiction entity.
It is important to note that this request is not to evade any legal or moral obligations. This is merely requesting that errors made by the issuing authorities be rectified.
Errors of Govt Registration Docs
As experts in this field, isn’t it your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the documents you issue? Particularly those as significant as citizenship and passport records.
The errors or omissions in the records were made due to a failure of your office to catch and correct these discrepancies at the time of processing.
Therefore, you are to take the necessary steps to review and amend these documents accordingly. Any costs or responsibilities related to correcting these errors are with your office. And the failure to address them lies with your department.
You have a duty to take the appropriate steps to resolve this matter promptly and without additional burden to me.
I look forward to your timely response and resolution of this issue.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information or clarification.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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