Banks or Government: “Let me make the ballads of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” – Sir Phillip Sydney (1554-1586). William Pitt the Younger (1759 – 1806) said: “Let the American people go into their debt-funding… Continue Reading →
Madoffization and financial deception by banksters… is it a global plandemic? In the annals of financial scandals, few names evoke as much infamy and incredulity as Bernard Madoff. His Ponzi scheme, one of the largest in history, not only defrauded… Continue Reading →
When lawyers deny any all claims, what are they saying? As DWM says, the definition of “ALL” is doing a handstand, holding the whole world in your hands. “Susan Forrest”, claims to be a partner of “Gadens” law firm in… Continue Reading →
Mortgage Void POA Power of Attorney claims are unenforceable, see Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages & Others [2014] UKSC 52. “A purchaser of land does not have sufficient interest in property to confer an equitable proprietary right before completion of… Continue Reading →
Mortgage Deed, Is It Void? Here’s some questions to ask about your mortgage deed. Be aware, that nothing on this page or this website, is legal advice. Always do your own research. Simply ask and answer for yourself the following… Continue Reading →
This is not legal advice about debt collection. Neither is anything written here to be taken as financial advice. Take responsibility for your own actions or lack thereof.
If XYZ BANK does not provide these particulars or cannot prove that the nature of this account is honest and fair, then I never had any obligations related to this account
Every time a Government borrows money for a public work, the people are debited with the liability (in perpetuity), but are never credited with the value of the asset
Are you being hounded on the phone by debt collectors? If so stop debt collector calls with these 18 questions, below.
“You must not forget that there is a great deal of difference between a moral wrong and a legal right.”
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