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Category Contracts, Law & Courts

Diligence and Good Faith Efforts to Settle

Diligence and good faith, how much effort is enough to seek settlement with the bank? Do you think sending over fifty registered mail documents to senior bank executives, and follow-up emails is enough? Or going into the branch to be… Continue Reading →

Pro Se On Your Own

The term “pro se” is a Latin phrase that means “on one’s own behalf” or “for oneself.” In the context of the legal system, when an individual chooses to represent themselves in a legal proceeding without the assistance of a… Continue Reading →

Accounting For Mortgage Figures by Banks

There’s no accounting for mortgage figures by the banks… Try asking for audited accounts to prove the amount they’re demanding is correct. You’ll be lucky if they answer. You may be suffering mortgage stress for no reason. The bank may… Continue Reading →

Banks Don’t Talk, So What Now?

Banks don’t talk? The bank staff don’t answer letters? Their advertised material states that if there’s a discrepancy on the bank statement, to contact them… But they don’t reply… Certainly not what you expect from a bank. Dealing with them,… Continue Reading →

Burden Of Proof By Banks

Burden of proof is taking over three years! Not 90 days… yet the bank remains silent. They engage lawyers, send threatening letters demanding monies and foreclosure. And still fail to provide any verification supporting claims of an “outstanding loan account… Continue Reading →

Wednesbury Unreasonableness

Wednesbury unreasonableness is a legal principle in English and Australian law. It sets the standard for reviewing the reasonableness of decisions made by public authorities. In the U.S.A., the Chevron doctrine required courts to give deference to agency interpretations of… Continue Reading →

Floccinaucinihilipilification sophistry

Floccinaucinihilipilification sophistry is like “Jerry Seinfeld”, (all about nothing with idiosyncratic conversational scenes of everyday life) while using complex or obscure language. Often it’s with the intention of belittling or making something seem worthless, in a way that is deceptive… Continue Reading →

Signature stamp of Authority?

Signature stamp of Authority: Can a law firm claim to be signatory of a document? The word “signature” has its origins in late Middle English, from the Medieval Latin “signatura” meaning “a sign.” And ultimately from the Latin verb “signare”… Continue Reading →

Banks & Post Office, and Your Empowerment

Banks & Post Office, and Your Empowerment: The UK Post Office scandal has exposed how large institutions, whether government-backed or private, exploit vulnerable individuals. The story, while tragic, reveals how people can reclaim their power and fight back against systemic… Continue Reading →

Third-Party Lawyers in Legal Disputes

Third-party lawyers in legal disputes… seems there’s no legal requirement that you communicate or deal directly with third-party lawyers hired by the opposing party in a legal dispute. There may be certain situations in which it’s advisable to engage with… Continue Reading →

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