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Category Mindset & Beliefs

mindset and beliefs, mental attitude learning quantum grammar,

Government Corruption in Australia

Government Corruption in Australia is founded on a public perception that a small elite is reaping large benefits in Australian society. Both in terms of political influence and its flow-on dividends In the heart of the vast Australian political landscape… Continue Reading →

Assumptions and Presumptions

Assumptions and Presumptions are common in all walks of life, and often get us into a big pile of poo-poo. Some people may claim that both words, “assumption” and “presumption” have the same meaning. To do that would be to… Continue Reading →

Stop Debt Collector Calls With These 18 Questions

Are you being hounded on the phone by debt collectors? If so stop debt collector calls with these 18 questions, below.

Energy – the key to all activity on earth

This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquillity for the ruling upper class.

Australia 2023 Referendum Sellout

Australia 2023 Referendum Sellout by Federal Members of Parliament, or is it a Bidengate buy-out-vote?

Think the world’s crazy?

Think the world’s crazy? Here’s something you can try at home…

Trading Time For Mo.ney

Trading time for money – everyone’s nightmare… Finding a way to do the work once, and get paid over, and over and over again, for the same work- that’s smart…

Feeling Frustration in the face of Evil

Feeling frustration in the face of evil? Right now, we’re in the middle of a spiritual warefare, possibly like nothing ever seen before on such a world-wide scale.

“Angry? I’m Very Angry!”

“I’m very angry!” exclaims Nellie, “My life is crap! I’m stuck, and don’t know what to do!” Some of us carry anger around for decades…

Your passport to freedom

Your passport to freedom is achieved through taking small steps… A recent statistic (unverified) claims that over 75% of Americans (USA) are living in fear

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