Trust not in man or woman, because none of us are infallible. Man-made systems such as governmental, legal, or corporate, are inherently flawed. Over time, these systems evolve to serve the interests of a few, rather than the collective good…. Continue Reading →
Courts not level playing fields, and can’t argue with the use of fictional grammar constructs. That’s how to defend yourself against the coming tyranny. Proving the legal system, as it currently stands, is far from equal for all parties. Challenges… Continue Reading →
Controlling banks and courts often results in a system where financial power overrides justice. These can leave you vulnerable to the interests of the wealthy and influential. What’s the relationship between banks and the “Justice” system? There’s a perception that… Continue Reading →
Corporate veil and unaccountability protects individuals involved in the corporation. This insulates executives and staff from many risks of business activities. Is why the world is in such a mess? Powerful corporations magically “make decisions” and destroy economies, communities, households…. Continue Reading →
Cost of seeking justice can be prohibitively high for those without significant financial resources or access to powerful legal teams. And the legal system is difficult for ordinary people to follow, especially when up against government agencies or large corporations…. Continue Reading →
Lies behind corporate fiction allow executives to escape personal accountability. The corporation itself, a mere legal construct, is treated as a “person” capable of bearing responsibility, leaving the real decision-makers free from consequence. A corporation, as a “legal fiction,” is… Continue Reading →
Economic predictions, according to “official” narratives, for (the corporation commonly known as )Australia in 2025, for your amusement and entertainment only. Take notes and compare this page with the outcomes at the end of 2025. Have a think about how… Continue Reading →
Bank home loan offer raises some curious issues. A few months ago an unsigned anonymous letter on bank letterhead offers a 15% discount, if the (alleged) outstanding loan account balance of $XYZ,000 is cleared in full, within 21 days of… Continue Reading →
Powers and principalities go beyond politics and corporations. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers…” Ephesians 6:12 Two thousand years on it still captures a profound truth about the nature of power and influence. We’re… Continue Reading →
Corporate person as a legal entity allows a business to function independently from its owners. This gives a corporation the ability to engage in legal transactions, incur debt, and enjoy certain protections. It also raising questions about the extent of… Continue Reading →
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