Burden of proof is taking over three years! Not 90 days… yet the bank remains silent. They engage lawyers, send threatening letters demanding monies and foreclosure. And still fail to provide any verification supporting claims of an “outstanding loan account… Continue Reading →
Lawyers and legalese can be daunting for people new to the mysterious world of legal matters. For a start, lawyers have their own meanings for everyday words, which can make understanding legal documents challenging for non-lawyers. Ironically, what appears as… Continue Reading →
Enemy of the state? Is that what happened to punctuation in acronyms? Like WHO? and WEF? This trend of leaving out periods in acronyms is becoming more common. For example the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum… Continue Reading →
Wednesbury unreasonableness is a legal principle in English and Australian law. It sets the standard for reviewing the reasonableness of decisions made by public authorities. In the U.S.A., the Chevron doctrine required courts to give deference to agency interpretations of… Continue Reading →
Floccinaucinihilipilification sophistry is like “Jerry Seinfeld”, (all about nothing with idiosyncratic conversational scenes of everyday life) while using complex or obscure language. Often it’s with the intention of belittling or making something seem worthless, in a way that is deceptive… Continue Reading →
Court Jurisdiction Challenge: The power of people and limitations of fictitious entities… Corporations nor courts inherently possess jurisdiction over individuals due to a fundamental principle. Don’t take this as gospel – do your own research. Fictitious entities, being mere creations… Continue Reading →
Signature stamp of Authority: Can a law firm claim to be signatory of a document? The word “signature” has its origins in late Middle English, from the Medieval Latin “signatura” meaning “a sign.” And ultimately from the Latin verb “signare”… Continue Reading →
AFCA is a great place to work, according to 2023 AFR BOSS Best Places to Work rankings. Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited (AFCA) is one of the top 5 best places to work in Australia’s financial services sector.. This comes… Continue Reading →
Banks & Post Office, and Your Empowerment: The UK Post Office scandal has exposed how large institutions, whether government-backed or private, exploit vulnerable individuals. The story, while tragic, reveals how people can reclaim their power and fight back against systemic… Continue Reading →
Third-party lawyers in legal disputes… seems there’s no legal requirement that you communicate or deal directly with third-party lawyers hired by the opposing party in a legal dispute. There may be certain situations in which it’s advisable to engage with… Continue Reading →
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