Contract States Postal Service is the correct title for your court venue. “Contract” means two or more people coming together on a closed area. And the “Contract States” is a piece of paper. A piece of paper is a closed… Continue Reading →
Quantum language parse syntax grammar technology developed by David-Wynn Miller, leverages mathematics to ensure the correctness of sentence construction. DWM’s Quantum Grammar is based on mathematics, and maritime law, in which the definitions of words depend on others that precede… Continue Reading →
:Syntax-Corrections: [How to correct adverb-verb statements as per DWM
“Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallow Be Thy Name” ]
Rules of Correct Sentence Structure Parse Syntax Grammar for water-tight contracts & law suits with no wriggle-room for lawyers to argue
With correct sentence structure communication you can write water-tight sentences no one can destroy, giving both parties fair and equitable contracts.
Quantum parse syntax grammar gives you freedom and power to correct contracts, so why don’t we learn this in High School English lessons
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