Watch the flickering candle stick, Bucko! And never forget; from a simple little acorn, the mighty Oak tree grows…

You see, there’s some folks around, who think Jasper’s kinda-kuckoo-krazy…

(yup, sometimes that includes yorz-trulee)

Others want to debunk his messages …

So, when you stand in truth, and those who lie don’t want to
associate with him…

Well, Bucko…

What’s popular isn’t always right, and what’s right ain’t always popular..

Cowards are brave from a distant… willing to spread lies…

Hiding behind their keyboards and swipe-screens…

Nowhere to be seen, neither willing to stand in truth nor prove their claims…

it’s all done in the dark..

The good news is that you’re enlightened…

part of a select group of peeps,that’s expanding each day…

Awakening to the evil intent under which we live…

prepared to make a stand against the parasite-bottom-feeders …

Many, condemned by their own ignorance, are living as slaves in their cozy-security-blanket-world, eagerly grabbing their ankles, at the command of those parasites…

It’s not rocket-science to see many are toooo afraid to make the stand, or spread the word…

who’ll be left behind.

So don’t ever give up… Truth will always prevail…

(d)Evil creatures will never get our souls, as long as we make the stand…

Because they need your consent.

So don’t consent…rescinding any and all assumption
and presumptions of consent, past present and future, as is our undeniable God given right, particularly once you reveal the fraud…

Their evil system is already showing signs of collapsing…

Watch, as they’re doing all the damage they can, to keep
their parasitic game going…

The end is nigh..

and until such times, we must all keep spreading the truth…

For it is the truth that will set us all free.

Never forget; from a simple little acorn, the mighty Oak tree grows…

The Flickering Candle Stick

One flicker of a tiny candle can push back the darkness…

since darkness is nothing more than the absence of light.

For evil to prosper, the good must do nothing.

So, nurture that flickering Candle Stick, Bucko!