The process for revoking your strawman entity refers to disassociating oneself from legal fiction structures. This is based on the idea that such entities represent a form of “artificial person”, separate from your natural, living identity. The objective is to be free of government-created records, such as the birth certificate (or social security number in the U.S.A.).
Legal Fiction & Legal Entities
In legal terms, a “legal fiction” or “strawman” is a concept of an entity that’s treated as real for legal purposes, even though it may not exist in a literal or physical sense. Companies are an example of this legal fiction “person” concept.
When someone is born, their parents record the event with a government agency, creating a legal entity (such as a “strawman”). This “legal person” is now subject to various legal obligations, such as taxes or contracts.
Disavow or Renounce the “Strawman”
You’ll find many articles and videos online about how people believe they can sever their ties with legal fictions. Like “state nationals”, formally declaring their intention to renounce or disavow the legal entity.
This is often done through public declarations, notices to government agencies, or filings in court. However, this process has no legal standing in most jurisdictions and is not recognized by courts or governments.
Using Trusts or Other Mechanisms
Some believe that they can place the legal entity (such as their name in capital letters) into a trust or other arrangement to protect their personal rights, assets, or freedom from legal obligations. Again, these strategies are usually not legally enforceable unless done within the recognized legal framework (e.g., through valid legal entities such as actual trusts and companies). So they jump right back into the sandpit they’re trying to escape from!
Living Wo/Man in a Legal Fiction World
To operate as a “living wo/man” (in contrast to a legal fiction), people want to exist outside of the system that treats them as an artificial legal person. Realistically, since legal systems are constructed around legal entities (corporations, citizens, etc.), it’s difficult to function in a society without interacting with these structures.
Operating outside the legal fiction may involve:
- Renouncing citizenship or residency in certain jurisdictions (a very complex and rare process with significant consequences).
- Operating in a way that minimizes interaction with government systems (e.g., avoiding taxes, public identification, etc.), but this can lead to legal penalties.
- Using common law or natural law arguments in court to challenge the legal status of a legal fiction… These are not widely accepted in most jurisdictions.
The idea of breaking ties with a “legal fiction” or rejecting certain government structures can feel empowering… Seeking a path where one is no longer bound by what some consider an unjust or overreaching system.
If someone doesn’t engage with them, there’s practical and legal consequences (like not being able to own property, access healthcare, or enter into contracts). So, in many cases, this avenue is counterproductive.
Challenging Your Strawman Entity:
Most modern legal systems are constructed around the idea of legal entities (corporations, citizens, etc.). Revoking your strawman entity and trying to detach yourself from this framework doesn’t change the system. It’s more like burying your head in the sand.
Without participating in it, there are real-world consequences. And people who claim to opt-out of the system live either as a hermit, or rely on friends or family to register their vehicles, phone contracts, utilities etc.
The idea of living outside of the system might sound appealing. Though legal systems and courts generally don’t recognise revoking your strawman entity. And renouncing your legal fiction (such as the “strawman” or birth certificate) isnt as easy as some advocates suggest
Attempting to operate outside these structures (such as refusing to engage with tax obligations or government identification) can lead to significant legal and financial penalties. So there’s no guarantee that such an approach would lead to greater freedom or autonomy.
Reality of Government and Freedom:
Many people around the world share concerns about government overreach, loss of freedoms, and the increasing complexity of laws and regulations.
It’s understandable to feel trapped in a system that seems to infringe on personal freedom.
The system itself is complex, but there are often avenues within the law that can help protect individual autonomy.
The key is figuring out ways to preserve your freedom rather than attempting to completely sever ties with the system… Focusing on a more balanced approach to protect our rights and freedoms.
Government Over-reach, Power Imbalance and Accountability
The perceived power imbalance is one of the major sources of discontent in society today. Public servants, politicians, and corporate elites often operate under layers of protection (legal, financial, or political) making them untouchable.
Yet those who break the law with impunity seem to go unpunished or even rewarded (see Bates v Post Office).
Whether it’s through legal loopholes, immunity from certain types of accountability, or just plain corruption… Those with power, resources, or influence can avoid consequences for their actions.
So it’s easy to feel that there’s a two-tiered system.
One for the powerful and another for the rest of us. Such discrepancy between the actions of those in power and the laws they impose on everyone else is a betrayal of basic human values.
The average person is held to a different standard, facing severe penalties for the same or lesser offenses. Leading to a feeling of injustice and disenchantment with the system.
Disconnect of Law and Morality
Today we face deep ethical and moral concerns. The gross disconnection between man-made laws and moral or spiritual principles. Legalising murder, through abortion legislation… Redefining “life” and at what age a foetus becomes a child…
Systems of government and law acting in ways to violate or ignore fundamental moral truths.
History shows that public outcry, resistance, and the pursuit of justice can eventually led to change. However, the emotional and psychological toll of fighting such a system can be draining. And it can feel like the fight is one-sided.
Encouraging more people to understand the system, its flaws, and ways to hold the powerful accountable is a powerful form of resistance.
This includes pushing for honesty, and accountability of ethical standards in government and business.
When laws don’t align with moral or natural law, people disobey them as an act of protest. As witnessed during the co-vid-plandemic. While this carries its own risks, it has been a powerful tool for social change.
Many people share the desire for a more just, accountable, and moral world. And communities reflecting these values are making a difference… Even when they feel the odds are stacked against them.
Working within the system to minimize its impact on your personal life is one way to maintain autonomy.
You’re not alone in feeling the disconnect between “Government” and the governed. Questioning and seeking better solutions is a first step.
Because it’s through questioning and challenging unjust systems that real change can begin.
And this is the foundation of David-Wynn Miller‘s (DWM) search for the truth. Identifying the fraudulent use of grammar and colouring of the laws. Using fictitious conveyance of language to deprive people of their rights.
While some are laughing and mocking DWM’s quantum grammar language construct, others are in deep study learning Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar to protect themselves and their families.
There’s never been a more urgent need to learn DWM’s technology to protect your self and your loved ones from the world-wide government overreach. You can make a Quickstart here. Don’t wait till it’s too late!
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