Australia 2023 Referendum Sellout by Federal Members of Parliament, or is it a Bidengate buy-our-vote?

Rumours that the Prime Minister’s having a $20million bonus for making sure “we the people” vote YES on 14 October 2023.

Here’s an open letter that’s allegedly been sent to all those men and women who seem to demand the title “Honourable”:

We were worried this would happen.

But who thought it would happen on YOUR watch?

There was a great amount of blood shed on the battlefields of two world wars, to give Australians (we the people) freedom… “This is a free country!”, they cry.

Over the years, we’ve seen politicians, local dignitaries, city mayors etc, attending ANZAC Day parades… Australia Day “Citizenship Ceremonies”…

Remembering “those who have fallen”. Our fathers, grand-fathers, and great-grand-fathers, who GAVE THEIR LIVES to protect and defend the FREEDOMS of this country.

Australia – The Lucky Country.

Or it used to be.

Yet, look what’s happened on YOUR watch.

Look around at your smug colleagues… who’ve sold their souls…

How do they sleep at night?

Wrapped up in a warmy-fuzzy deception. Do YOU really believe they are acting in the best interests of their electorate?

Oh, that’s right!

They can live a life void of reality, protected by “Parliamentary Privilege”; unaffected by the economic fall-out of a false plan-demic, that’s destroyed businesses and families around the world.

Australia’s an island. No excuse to catch a fake virus from overseas. We’re not even allowed to bring in fruit or meats from overseas… so there was NO EXCUSE to catch a fake virus from overseas…

To promote a Trojan Horse, fooling the Australian Electorate to agree on a Referendum, that lacks full disclosure… Exactly how “honourable” is that action, coming from “elected re-presentatives” that expect to be addresses as Honourable?

What’s really lurking inside this dark mysterious Trojan Horse Referendum?

Weren’t your colleagues AWAKE in school history classes?

Are they really so blind?

Or so heavily compromised…

To sit back and allow this “Lucky Country” to be sold off, taken over, and STOLEN by foreign-controlled invaders. Foreign corporations that evade taxes, so that the “mums and dads” of Australia are being squeezed by increasing taxes, false inflation, food shortages in a country that SHOULD be self-sufficient…

Your government colleagues content to, even encourage, and allowing heavy censorship of mainstream media, to control orchestrated narratives… Spinning propaganda stories to create fear in the community.

Lies, damned lies, and politicians… that’s what Australia’s youth are witnessing.

Of course, we know it’s not YOUR fault.

You’re smarter than that.

You wouldn’t allow the loss of freedoms, and dissemination of false narratives to promote the “Australian Government” hidden agendas.

You’re just towing the party line.

We were warned this would happen.

Paul warned us in his letter to the Romans.

First came the sexual revolution.


Debauchery, pornography, and gender confusion.

Teenage suicides, “unexplained” deaths of (otherwise) perfectly healthy adults, that are confounding Government appointed Ex-spurts.

Cover-ups by Australian Government agencies.

Truth being labelled as LIES.

LIES being promoted as “Truths”.

All this, on your watch.

Remember this:

Eternity is a very, very, very LONG time.

So, choose carefully.

Hey, you can’t stop your colleagues worshipping their pagan gods (money, power, sex, drugs) while enjoying their time on this planet.

But YOU CAN talk to them about the TRUTH that stands from way, way back. They can STAND UP, and worship OUR creator, confess their sins, seek repentance, and a life everlasting.

Hey, people say:” I don’t believe in God.” Well, like it or not, that’s the foundation of this nation’s laws.

It’s their choice.

People can believe there’s no such thing as gravity, and jump off a twenty-storey building. It’s their choice.

Remember this:
The legacy you’re going to leave your children and grand-children…

Will they look back at 2020 -2025, and be proud at their parent/grand-parent’s achievements as a member of Australia’s federal parliament?

Or will they look back and see the damage , destruction, and total loss of freedoms, the takeover and capture of Australia by silent warfare and invasion of foreign powers…


So, congratulations to all our federal politicians…

Think about what your fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers fought for…

And sit back as your colleagues SELL OUT “we the people” of Australia… Destroying, criminalsing Freedoms, of speech, of private ownership, of God Given Rights… and handing over Sovereignty to foreign powers.

Here’s the thing:

Your colleagues that DO STAND UP and defend the freedoms of this country are gagged. Who by?

Not you. You’re smarter than that.

No, it’s your anonymous cowardly colleagues, that are too happy to take a BIG FAT paycheck, but want to hide behind “parliamentary privilege” while doing the “dirty work”, trumping up false charges, or even criminalising the actions of those DOING THE RIGHT THING.


To shut them up.

To teach others a lesson.

So much for democracy.

And yet, funnily enough YOU are allowing this to happen.

All at the expense of your electorate. Collateral damage.

While claiming to Re-Present “we the people.”

You’ve done well to read this far.

Hopefully, you’ll think about what’s going on.

The lies, deceptions, and propaganda that comes out of Canberra.

And now you want to pass legislation to control what is decided as TRUTH.

Surely not because “we the people” have woken up to the fact that we’ve been lied to FOR TOO LONG. And that any truths will spoil the controlled “Australian Government” narratives.

In case you’re really that innocent and sheltered… there is no such thing as an INDEPENDENT government sponsored regulated organisation. Everybody is in someone-else’s pocket.
In a true free democratic society, there is no need to censor freedom of speech.

The last three years have proven the only Mis-information and Dis-information is broadcast by main stream media, controlled by the “Australian Government”. Go on, deny that. In writing, under oath. A sworn affidavit.

Censoring freedom of speech is NOT what our fathers, grand-fathers, and great-grandfathers DIED FOR.

They did NOT DIE for a bunch of politicians to sell out the country in 2023.

If you can’t see what’s happening right under your nose, then you are in the wrong career.

Get Out.



And stop contributing to the destruction of “The Lucky Country”.

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son; that those that believe in Him, shall not perish, but have life everlasting”. John 3:16

Enjoy your day.