7-day Quickstart is crazy! “Overwhelming, Crazy, Exciting & Enlightening, in that order. That’s how I would describe (this path to) learning quantum grammar. The “awe” moments were the best!

That’s the feedback from one of our latest 7-day Quickstart graduates, Mediynah Stewart, from Texas, US of America.

She says:” I’ve learned so much this week compared to the last 30 months. Like, I’ve learned to never xxxxxxx or prxxxxx.
“I’ve learned what it takes to create a true factual sentence & the parts of speech that make a sentence false…
And I’ve learned to Think more & differently. I’ve learned not everything we read on paper or on the internet is not true. …

Mediynah lists about a dozen other benefits to this program, and why 7-day Quickstart is crazy!

One of the biggest challenge most people have, is getting off their “BUTs”. But this, but that… are all excuses to keep them in the same position as yester-day.

When’s the last time you’ve done something for the first time?

“This week was different because I’m more determined than ever to learn CSSCPSG to its maximum capacity so that I can teach my family as well as others,” writes Mediynah.

“And the assignments gave a pretty good foundation of learning CSSCPSG on such a short time-frame.
“I liked the challenge, and the daily feedback. And I liked being critiqued. I also liked the learning part of it because I just like to learn anyway. I liked the support from Jasper.”

Feedback like Mediynah’s makes this 7-day Quickstart worthwhile, for all those involved.

What are you waiting for?