Think the world’s crazy? Here’s two questions to ask at home

While listening to his friends in a local bar complain about their pets, Gary Dahl comes up with a brilliant idea. Within six months, he becomes a millionaire.

Inspired by the childhood game Bigger, Better, in 2005 Kyle MacDonald embarks on a crazy scheme.

A year later he moves into his own house, with no deposit, savings, or income stream.

It’s little wonder we think the world’s crazy.

Some people might say: “That’s not fair!”

Who says anything about what is or is not fair?

Life just is.

It’s what we decide to make of it.

Gary Dahl’s idea is selling “pet” rocks. Because rocks make a perfect pet. They needs no feeding, walking, or grooming. The “pet rock” doesn’t get sick, or die. As an added bonus, he includes a 32-page official training manual, “The Care and Training of Your Pet Rock”.

Before you rush out and buy one, they’ve not been available since 1976.

Staring at his desk, contemplating life, Kyle MacDonald picks up a red paper clip. Remembering his youth, he makes his first trade, for a fish-shaped pen, on July 14, 2005.

And with his fourteenth (final) transaction, swapping a movie role, he lands a two-story farmhouse in Kipling, Saskatchewan.

A couple of simple, fun ideas that turn into crazy adventures…

These days, in a different craziness world, some people are struggling to find much fun in anything…

Two simple questions

So, for those seeking happiness amid chaos, here’s two simple questions that you can start asking to day…

Though, to be fair, this may be quite a challenge for many social-media-holics, junkies and commentators.

Start with these two simple questions to day, along the lines of the Golden rule.

These two simple questions can transform your thinking, lower your blood pressure, and raise your enthusiasm for life.

When you come across something like a “news” item, or “gossip”

Ask yourself these two simple question:
1.“Does it affect me directly?”

2. “What, if anything, can I do about it?”

If it doesn’t affect you – then move on.

If you can’t do anything about it – then move on.

Fuggedaboudit !


well, stop thumb-sucking, and take affirmative action

Or let it Go and let GOD…

Enjoy your day 🙂

Thanks for reading.

Hope you like it.

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