Banking is fraud, except it’s not fraud if you have a banking license. Which may explain why banks are not seen as committing fraud with money creation.

Even if there’s not full disclosure, when you go to the bank, cap in hand, desperate for a loan. Perhaps we’re just plain dumb. Fancy thinking that the bank’s vaults are stuffed full of money, waiting for people to buy houses.

The concept of money creation by banks often elicits confusion and controversy, raising questions about the legitimacy of their practices.

While the process of fractional reserve banking allows banks to create money through lending and deposit creation, this mechanism is distinct from fraudulent activities.

Banks operate within a regulatory framework that governs their activities and ensures the stability and integrity of the financial system. And guess who overseas the governance of the banksters? It’s a case of the fox guarding the chicken coup.

The creation of money by banks, facilitated through mechanisms such as fractional reserve banking and central bank operations, is a fundamental aspect of modern economies. While it may be subject to criticism and scrutiny, it is not inherently fraudulent.

Fraud involves deception, manipulation, and exploitation for personal gain, whereas the creation of money by banks serves the legitimate function of facilitating economic transactions and promoting growth.

So, why is it not deceptive to lead people to believe that when you apply for a mortgage, you are not borrowing any money? That in fact, it’s all “smoke and mirrors”

However, the proper regulation and oversight of banking practices are crucial in mitigating risks and safeguarding against abuses of power or misconduct. The questions that are not answered, come down to the definitions used in the mortgage contracts.

Thanks to the life’s work of :David-Wynn: Miller, students of Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar can now prove the fraud and deception of the Banks’ mortgage contracts.

Misconceptions surrounding fraud abound, from the motivations driving individuals to commit fraudulent acts to the perception of victimlessness and the role of banks in money creation.

By unraveling these misconceptions and gaining a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in fraudulent activities, we can develop more effective strategies for detection, prevention, and mitigation.

With your knowledge of Quantum Grammar, you can quickly identify the fraudulent conveyance of language, and a list of other crimes being committed in the Banks’ paper work.

Moreover, addressing the ambiguity surrounding banking practices and money creation can contribute to greater transparency, accountability, and trust in the financial system.

In the pursuit of justice and integrity, it is imperative to challenge assumptions, confront misconceptions, and strive for a more nuanced understanding of the intricate dynamics at play in the realm of fraud. Only then can we hope to confront this pervasive threat and uphold the principles of fairness, honesty, and accountability in our society.

So here are 37 quotes related to banking fraud:

  1. Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. – Thomas Jefferson

  2. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. – Josiah Stamp

  3. Banking doesn’t involve fraud, banking is fraud. – Bill Bonner

  4. The banks do create money. They have been doing it for a long time, but they didn’t quite realize it, and they did not admit it. – Hilaire Belloc

  5. Fraud is the daughter of greed. – Jonathan Gash

  6. Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. – Thomas Jefferson

  7. Fraud is the homage that force pays to reason. – Charles Curtis

  8. Banking is a very treacherous business because you don’t realize it is risky until it is too late. – Mark Mobius

  9. It’s not fraud if you have a banking license. – Unknown

  10. Banking establishments are the standing armies of the moneyed interests. – John Adams

  11. I will not let a fraudulent banking system kill the United States. – Andrew Jackson

  12. Fraud, like water, will always find a way. – Josh Kaufman

  13. Banking is like a game of cards; the hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will. – Jawaharlal Nehru

  14. Banking is not the most sophisticated business in the world, but it is one of the most profitable. It is not the most intellectually challenging field, but it does take a fair amount of intelligence to succeed in it. – David Maister

  15. Fraud is the creature of opportunity. – Samuel Johnson

  16. A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. – Mark Twain

  17. Banking is not about money. It’s about trust. – Unknown

  18. Banking may well be a career from which no man really recovers. – John Kenneth Galbraith

  19. Banking is a system of organized dishonesty, and banks are the engines of fraud. – Richard Ronc

  20. Banking is a very good business if you don’t make mistakes. – Warren Buffett

  21. Banking today is a little bit like joining the mafia. – Terri Guillemets

  22. Banking establishments are now more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. – Elmer T. Peterson

  23. Banking is necessary; banks are not. – Bill Maher

  24. Fraud is the hallmark of true genius. – Unknown

  25. Fraud is never an accident. Fraud is born from greed and fear. – George Mueller

  26. Fraud is the blackest of black crimes. – Frank Abagnale

  27. Fraud grows out of laxity and indifference. – William H. Hastie

  28. Banking doesn’t require brains, it requires character. – Atul Kasbekar

  29. Banking is a confidence game. When confidence runs out, it’s over. – Robert Cringely

  30. Fraud is the homage that force pays to reason. – Charles Curtis

  31. Fraud is the noise that keeps truth quiet. – Unknown

  32. Fraud can be anything from lying on an application to creating false financial statements. – Paul Gillin

  33. Banking, I believe, is the next frontier for innovation. – Steve Case

  34. Banking is a profession of faith. – Anatole France

  35. Fraud is the daughter of greed. – Jonathan Gash

  36. Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. – Thomas Jefferson

  37. Banking is the least sexy industry in the world. – Unknown

These quotes reflect various perspectives on banking, trust, fraud, and the financial industry.