Banking Swindles between Borrower & Lender, we were warned by King Solomon over 3000 years ago…

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” Proverbs 22:7 (KJV)

Banksters have been swindling us for centuries with these 21 secret frauds;

  1. All interest on a loan of money is a swindle (to obtain money or property by fraud or deceit)
  2. Collateral that is worth more than the loan, is the bankster’s greatest asset.
  3. Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.
  4. Loans of silver repaid with goods and not with silver, forfeit the collateral.
  5. The debtor is the slave of the lender.
  6. High morals impede profits, so debauching the Virtuous pulls them below the depravity of the moneylender who thereby masters them to his will.
  7. Monopoly gives wealth and power but monopoly of money gives the greatest wealth and power.
  8. Large crime families are more successful than lone criminals or gangs; international crime families are the most successful of all.
  9. Only the most ruthless and greedy moneylenders survive; only the most corrupt banksters triumph.
  10. Time benefits the bankster and betrays the borrower.
  11. Dispossessing the People brings wealth to the dispossessor, yielding the greatest profit for the banksters when the people are impoverished.
  12. All private individuals who control the public’s money supply are swindling traitors to both people and country.

ALL wars are wars for the private central bankers

  1. All banking is a criminal enterprise; all bankers are international criminals, so secrecy is essential.
  2. Anyone who is allowed to lend-at-interest eventually owns the entire world.
  3. Loans to friends are power; loans to enemies are weapons.
  4. Labor is the source of wealth; control the source and you control the wealth, raise up labor and you can pull down kings.
  5. Kings are required to legitimatize a swindle but once the fraud is legalized, those very kings must be sacrificed.
  6. When the source of goods is distant from the customers, profits are increased both by import and export.
  7. Prestige is a glittering robe for ennobling treason and blinding fools; the more it is used, the more it profits he who dresses in it.
  8. Champion the Minority in order to dispossess the Majority of their wealth and power, then swindle the Minority out of that wealth and power.
  9. Control the choke points and master the body; strangle the choke points and kill the body

As Michael Rivero says in “ALL wars are bankers wars”:

“As long as Private Central Banks are allowed to exist, inevitably as the night follows day there will be poverty, hopelessness, and millions of deaths in endless World Wars, until the Earth itself is sacrificed in flames to Mammon.

My concern is that this rush to global war is a desperate attempt to force the world back onto the dollar; a war the US will, in my estimation, likely lose.

The path to true peace on Earth lies in the abolishment of all private central banking everywhere, and a return to the state-issued value-based currencies that allow nations and people to become prosperous.”

Add your feedback on these Banking Swindles, in the comments box below 🙂