Bankster-smoke-mirrors mortgage scam, with any a loan (called a “financial accommodation “), Banksters don’t handout printed legal tender money…

1.When we sign an application for a loan (called a “financial accommodation “), the Banksters don’t go to the vault and remove printed legal tender money …

They just turn on their CONputer, and create counterfeit money from air, by simply typing in say $100,000 …

Thereby monetising our signature into a dual faceted “Promissory-Mortgage Note” … IMPORTANT, as ours is the only signature, it is not a legal contract .

2. They give it an “account number”, tagged with the dollar amount … enter it in their “direct deposit account” ledger as an Asset, and also as a Liability …

This is evidence that they have accepted our promissory note as money … Then they transfer our own money into our cheque account, pretending that they are loaning us their money.

They conceal the substance of the transaction … the bookkeeping entries, where they record the promissory note as a loan from us to the bank. …

This is proof that we are the lender and the bank is the borrower … IMPORTANT they use smoke and mirrors to deceive us, into thinking that the opposite occurred …

Thus it’s a breach of contract.

3.Their CONputer bookkeeping entries prove that when the bank deposited our promissory note into our cheque account, they created counterfeit bank credit money …

The bank did not loan their own, or depositors money … they loaned counterfeit money.

IMPORTANT this verifies that no “consideration” under contract exists.

Smoke-Mirrors – Who’s the Lender and Borrower in this Mortgage Scam?

4. In the Bankster-smoke- mirrors mortgage scam, they call us the “borrower”, charging us “interest”… Which over a 25 year period means we pay them four times the original amount.

IMPORTANT in reality we are the Lender and they are the Borrower, for they couldn’t create the “Money” without our signature.

5.They then extract the Promissory aspect from the Mortgage Note and create a “monetised derivative”, a financial instrument , a “Bond” …

Based on the projected future interest income stream it is sold in to a Stock Exchange listed Hedge Fund where it is given an ID called a CUSIP number …

They then receive $100,000 in legal tender money

IMPORTANT the Cusip Number allocated to the instrument is our evidence … for by depositing our mortgage on Wall Street they must Register it as a Security …

If it went unregistered they would violate codes with the Security Exchange Commission which could cause the Bank to lose their Charter and their ability to do business.

6. Even though they have sold the “Promissory” Note aspect of the “Mortgage” they retain our “Title Deeds” fraudulently pretending that they can take possession of our home …

IMPORTANT having “double dipped”, they have suffered no injury, thus they have no lawful claim against our home.

7. IMPORTANT the Mortgage Note rights transfer with the Bond, thus the original bank cannot prove any continuing interest in our home … No mortgage note = no debt ie we have 100% equity in our home.

8. So far the Banksters have made $400,000 from our signature ie $100,000 from selling our Mortgage, and $300,000 from repayment of principal and interest over 25 years.

The Tip Of The Smoke-Mirrors-Iceberg

9.Under “Fractional Reserve Bank” rules, they are allowed to call our “Mortgage” an Asset – on which they can lend 10 times the amount we loaned them from our signature.

All Reserve Banks in the world are indirectly owned by the Bankster cartel..

10. They thus leverage our sample $100,000 mortgage into a larger fiction $1 million… at say 7% pa, their interest income is really 70% pa (7% x 10 = 70%pa)

CONCLUSION: Bankster-smoke- mirrors mortgage scam shows for every $100,000 Mortgage the Banksters profit by $1.4 million…

They simply CONputer create $100,000 counterfeit money

Then leverage it into $1.4 million of legal tender money

the result is INFLATION and we pay for three homes..