Best Quantum Grammar App ever invented; this answers the question “Why isn’t there a Quantum Grammar App?” or “where can I find the best Quantum Grammar App?”

Quantum computer language is based on Ones and Zeros. Plus or Minus, Positive or Negative. Male or Female.

And, like it or not, there’s no “undecided” or “In-between” Which poses a challenge for software developers writing Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar (C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G.) applications (commonly known as “Apps”).

Anyone reading this article, or any other article on this website must realise that C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G. -Performance contracts are written in three-word-patterns. Not Zeros and Ones, but 5-6-7.

if you haven’t figured that out yet, then start reading here.

These days, with everyone being so time poor, we’re all looking for shortcuts. Quick-fixes, hacks, templates, quick formulas, and anything to move forward quickly.

And there’s an abundance of onliners happy to sell the latest-best-magic-potent as long as it sounds good.

Best Quantum Grammar App Ever.

So, you’re looking for the best Quantum Grammar or Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar App ever…

The good news is, you’ve already got one.

The bad news is, like any “bright shiny object”, or latest fad… just having the possession of these things means diddly-squat if you don’t use it.

Every day, from the moment you get up, you’re conscious of some actions, and sub-consciously performing other actions.

And you’re using the best God-Give App that anyone in the whole world has ever been given.

Every second, of every minute, of every hour, this amazing application is like the Star Trek Command Centre. It’s issuing orders, analysing data, sending signals, interpreting signals… all day long. All night long.

And it’s the best Quantum Grammar App ever.

No scientist, engineer, philosopher, mechanic, has been able to reproduce it. And neither can “Artificial Intelligence”.

No matter what others may claim.

Because “Artificial Intelligence” has no SOUL. It has no THINKING capacity. It can only work on logic. On bits and bytes. On ones and zeros.

Like it or not, you’ve already got the best quantum grammar software program…

It’s called “your brain”.

The problem today, is that most people have forgotten how to use it correctly. Maybe something to do with fluoride in the water, or chem-trails in the sky.. Or food additives, or engineered substances that are sold as “food”.

Whatever the situation, you’ve already got the best quantum grammar app, ever. It just takes time and effort to work out how to use it correctly.

Thanks for reading.  Hope you like it.

Feedback of any kind is welcome so add your comments below:-)