Biblical law and influence in Australia are intricately woven into the fabric of its legal system.

While Australia today is a secular state, its legal framework bears the marks of its Judeo-Christian traditions. From foundational principles to specific laws, the Bible has left an indelible imprint on Australian jurisprudence.

Historical Foundations of Biblical Law:

Australia’s legal heritage is deeply intertwined with British common law, which, in turn, draws extensively from Judeo-Christian traditions.

As a former British colony, Australia inherited a legal framework  heavily influenced by biblical principles.

The Magna Carta, a cornerstone document in English law, establishes principles of justice and limitations on the power of the monarch. Again, reflecting biblical ideals of fairness and accountability.

With the arrival of British settlers in Australia came their legal traditions and religious foundations.

Christianity, predominantly Protestantism, plays a pivotal role in shaping the moral and ethical values of Australian society, which has seeped into the legal system.

The Ten Commandments, for instance, provided a moral compass for lawmakers and citizens alike, influencing laws concerning theft, murder, and perjury.

We were warned over 200 years ago about allowing lawyers to interfere with these simple God-given laws:

Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. Lk 11:52 (KJV)

Lawyers today argue over language usage in legal contracts and binding agreements.

And now we see the resulting squillions of laws because lawyers argue over semantics, and fictitious conveyance of language.

Which is why “Quantum Grammar” or “Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance (CSSCPSGP) is so powerful.

This fool-proof technology mathematically certifies written contracts to remove any ambiguity.

If everyone stuck to the original ten laws (Commandments) we’d have a happy, healthy, wealthy society.

There would be no need for law (policy)-enforcement agencies. And nor would we have escalating crime

Biblical Law in Australia:

Family Law

The institution of marriage, as outlined in the Bible, has historically underpinned family law in Australia. Concepts such as monogamy, fidelity, and parental responsibility find resonance in statutes governing marriage, divorce, and child custody.

Additionally, inheritance laws often mirror biblical principles of succession and fairness among heirs.

Biblical Law in Criminal Law

Many offences deemed criminal in Australia align with biblical injunctions against harm and wrongdoing.

Laws against murder, assault, theft, and perjury find their roots in biblical (10) Commandments, and principles of justice. The biblical notion of restitution also informs aspects of criminal sentencing and compensation for victims.

Ethical Business Practices:

The Bible advocates for honesty, integrity, and fair dealings in business transactions. Such principles that influenced commercial laws in Australia are now being legislated against for the sake of corporate greed. Contract law, consumer protection legislation, and regulations governing corporate conduct originally reflected these ethical imperatives.

Human Rights and Social Justice:

The biblical mandate to care for the vulnerable, including widows, orphans, and foreigners, has inspired laws promoting human rights and social welfare in Australia. Legislation addressing issues such as discrimination, labor rights, and refugee protection resonates with biblical teachings on compassion and justice.

Contemporary Interpretations of Biblical Law:

While the influence of the Bible on Australian laws is undeniable, the interpretation and application of biblical principles in a secular society have evolved over time.

In an increasingly diverse and multicultural Australia, legal pluralism demands a delicate balance between solid moral foundations,  values and individual rights.

The secular nature of “The State” now demands (immoral) laws that are “inclusive”, impartial, and reflective of the values of a minority undemocratically group of offshore oligarchs.

Moreover, the separation of church and “State” was previously enshrined in Australia’s constitution. Today laws are being drafted to wipe out the moral fabric of ordinary Australians, under the guise of “ensuring religious beliefs do not dictate legislative decisions”.

While lawmakers may turn away from Biblical Law, they must ultimately serve the common good and uphold principles of equality and justice for all citizens, regardless of secular opinion. And regardless of corporate greed.

Australian laws, acts, and statutes once reflected the imprint of centuries-old biblical principles are being superseded. And legislation reflecting the Judeo-Christian heritage upon which the nation was built, are being re-written to protect the massive fraud  and corruption within all levels of government.

From foundational concepts of justice and morality to specific legal provisions governing various aspects of society, the influence of Biblical law is woven into the very fabric of Australian jurisprudence.

When Nations Turn From God

The Bible is very clear about what happens to nations that turn away from God, and worship the creations, rather than the Creator.

Throughout history, many ancient nations have vanished, their demise often attributed to divine judgment for their sinful ways.

Biblical prophets foretold the downfall of nations like Edom, Assyria, Sodom, and Babylon, citing their wickedness before the Lord as the cause of their destruction.

The Hittites, Moabites, and Philistines also met similar fates due to their persistent rebellion against God’s commands.

However, material prosperity alone does not indicate God’s favour, as even nations ruled by corrupt leaders can thrive. True blessings come from honouring and obeying God’s laws, leading to a life of integrity and moral uprightness.

History illustrates that nations disregarding God’s principles often crumble from within.

God’s laws are given for our benefit, aiming to foster a relationship of righteousness and fellowship with Him. Compliance with His commands establishes healthy boundaries, shielding us from the perils devised by Satan.

Yet, when a nation forsakes God, choosing self-idolatry, divine protection wanes, exposing it to the consequences of its choices.

Romans 1:18–32 outlines the moral decay and judgment faced by nations and individuals who reject God’s authority, succumbing to immorality and idolatry.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”

Matthew 19:4: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’…” .

Thus, while the Bible continues to inform Australia’s legal landscape, the quest for a just and inclusive society remains an ongoing journey.

Knowing Biblical Law

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jn 8:32 (KJV)

Despite the collective rebellion of a nation, God remains faithful to those who remain devoted to Him. Malachi 3:13–18 offers reassurance, affirming God’s omniscience and promise of righteous judgment.

Even amidst national apostasy, individuals who remain faithful find solace in the knowledge that God remembers and rewards them, inscribing their names in His book of remembrance.