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Category Contracts, Law & Courts

5 Reasons Company Directors Don’t Answer Mail

Having written a huge amount of correspondence to our bank, we’re listing 5 reasons why we are being ignored… Only one of the company directors have replied. There could be legitimate reasons behind the lack of response, so we cannot… Continue Reading →

Legalese Labyrinth in Construction of Laws

Legalese labyrinth in construction of laws is a driving factor for learning Quantum Grammar, and writing CSSCPSG contracts. In the intricate tapestry of modern legal systems, one often encounters a maze of words so dense and convoluted that it seems… Continue Reading →

When Lawyers Deny Any All

When lawyers deny any all claims, what are they saying? As DWM says, the definition of “ALL” is doing a handstand, holding the whole world in your hands. “Susan Forrest”, claims to be a partner of “Gadens” law firm in… Continue Reading →

Woe unto you lawyers!

Woe unto you lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. Luke 11:5, KJV Lawyers / courts THRIVE on subject matter jurisdiction arguments. WHY? Because,… Continue Reading →

Fictitious Conveyance of Language Lawsuit

Fictitious Conveyance of Language lawsuit shows how one point leads to another, revealing the frauds. These several points are written in “event continuum” format to bring clarity to the various Points in dispute, displaying the fact that one point leads… Continue Reading →

Assumptions and Presumptions

Assumptions and Presumptions are common in all walks of life, and often get us into a big pile of poo-poo. Some people may claim that both words, “assumption” and “presumption” have the same meaning. To do that would be to… Continue Reading →

Mortgage Void POA Power of Attorney

Mortgage Void POA Power of Attorney claims are unenforceable, see Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages & Others [2014] UKSC 52. “A purchaser of land does not have sufficient interest in property to confer an equitable proprietary right before completion of… Continue Reading →

Mortgage Deed, Is It Void?

Mortgage Deed, Is It Void? Here’s some questions to ask about your mortgage deed. Be aware, that nothing on this page or this website, is legal advice. Always do your own research. Simply ask and answer for yourself the following… Continue Reading →

Law Dictionaries and Legal English

Older dictionaries are useful for understanding natural rights, common law, personal sovereignty, and the people’s point of view.

Government Tricks Us With Words

With Government Manipulation of Language we find ourselves in a big pile of poo-poo.

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