Contract States Postal Service is the correct title for your court venue. “Contract” means two or more people coming together on a closed area. And the “Contract States” is a piece of paper.

A piece of paper is a closed area called “Court,” and anything that’s in a closed court is now “Contract”. If we’re going to have a “Contract states”, it’s a “Contract.”

In 1788, who showed up in Australia? Well, the ships came from England, right?

All ship captains were postmasters.

The postmaster controls the military.

The military shows up to back up the postmaster’s position.

The first paper money arrives in Australia in 1812, and 1835 in New Zealand.

That’s when the post office sets up camp.

And you’re dealing with a postal issue…

You know this when looking at the pictures of the people on the paper money and on the coins.

England did not conquer Australia. King Charles isn’t king of Australia. King Charles is the postmaster general of Australia. And only postmasters can appear on the money.

These are your postmasters. They move the commerce around…The people that are on those coins are responsible for the manipulation of the money.

Now people use the money for means of exchange. And anyone who carries money in your pocket with a postal postmaster on it, makes you a postal employee under usury.

And so as postal employees, you can’t sue your postmaster or your government.

Postal Service Money

People have to be fed. Money has to be. It’s the measurement of sweat equity to move the commerce between point A and point B.

The post office is responsible for the transportation of the vessels, of food, cargo vessels, planes, trains, automobiles, boats.

Human beings are classified as vessels.

You have licenses to transport yourself between point A and point B. And you have the education to move between point A and point B, to understand the rules and regulations.

The people who are in control of public safety have jurisdiction over everything, including the leaders of your country. The public safety is controlled by the port authorities.

Port authorities control the rules and regulations of public safety and how vessels move and the conduct of which they move.

The port authorities are controlled by the Department of Transportation, which is controlled by the post office, which controls the treasury, which prints the money, and pays the judges.

Where’s Admiralty Law?

This is all part of Admiralty Law.

Admiralty Law is when a man makes a decision in closed area. When you have contract law, it is a contract by which the people are going to be controlled.

If your contracts are written in adverb-verb, they say nothing. If your contracts for the last 200-plus years since 1788 have been written in adverb-verb and say absolutely nothing, what do you have?

  • You have no constitution.
  • Also you have no rules and regulations.
  • And you have no codes.

The only thing you have is Admiralty Law, where you leave Australia… Because all court houses are foreign vessels in dry dock controlled by the port authorities. And judges are paid by the port authorities.

When you go to Court, you now leave Australia. You enter a foreign vessel, which then does not articulate or fly a flag.

All vessels are required to fly flags.

So if you don’t wish to come under the law of the flag, which is articulated by a specific contract, then don’t enter the vessel.

When you enter this vessel, you’ve left Australia. Whatever laws you believe existed in your homeland of Australia…

And now you might as well be on the moon or Mars or Jupiter or any place else in the universe, but you’re not in Australia.

Foreign Vessel in Dry Dock

You are on a foreign vessel in dry dock called “Court.”

Now if your paperwork isn’t written in the correct syntax, the words on the paper are not correct.

So you come into a closed area of a vessel without your ships papers. Now you’re a derelict vessel in dry dock.

Under Title 46, Chapter 781, the vessel (you), which is a judged as a derelict vessel, can be harvested by the master of the court under a maritime law.

Now the next question is, how much money do you have in your pocket to bail yourself out before you can leave the vessel for trespassing?

Declaration Of Independence

Let’s look at the Constitution of New Zealand, your cousins, “the declaration of independence”.

Look closely at these words:

De- = no,
Clar- = speak,
-tion = contract.

No speak contract

In = no,
De- = no,
Pen- = write,
-dence = contract.

In-de-pen-dence = No – no write contract”.

“The declaration of independence”.

No speak contract, No – no write contract”

“The” is an adverb making “declaration” to be a verb, “of” is an adverb making “independence” to be a verb.

Show me the verb “declaration‘ and the verb “independence.”

There are no such verbs.

Because you want a “condition of state,” you don’t want a “declaration.”

You want “for the contract of the people”.

By the way, it’s not “we the people.”

“We” is a pronoun “the” is an adverb, modifies the verb “people”.

It’s “for the… “
For the people of the contract; for the people of the country; for the people of the Australia.

By using these prepositional phrases you certify the accuracy of the one to 900 definitions for the Contract States Postal Service venue…

Maritime Law of Commerce

Say you buy a ticket to enter a closed area, whether it be a theatre, an airplane, a bus, a ship. You’re always a vessel entering another vessel, under maritime law of commerce.

Even in a restaurant. You go in and order your food. The waitress comes up to you and hands you a manifest. You make a choice from that manifest.

She’s now the letter-carrier delivering your food to the table. She hands you a bill of lading.

And what do you pay it with? You pay with money.

What is money? It’s actually postage stamps, to pay for the cargo she’s delivering to you as a charter vessel in dry dock.

Then you go up to the cash register and you pay for it, practicing banking.

And all bankers are judges and judges are postmasters.

So it’s all tied together.

Contract States Postal Service

Every day you practice all the rules of maritime commerce and banking, and those that break the rules get arrested for theft.

So the correct title of the place that you wish to go to make an argument is the “Contract States Postal Service DI-STRICT Court of the Australia”.

This is a sentence that articulates that two or more people came together to form a contract as a condition of state.

The words written on that “Condition of state” are filed.

When you file your document, you get a stamp, and the clerk of the court signs across the stamp.

Don’t postmaster’s cancel stamps?

Doesn’t the clerk, when you’re in a court scenario, put evidence stickers on your documents and sign across it, making him/her a postmaster.

By signing the stamps, you now have a vessel called “paper”. The vessel is a closed area. So it’s a charter vessel.

The charter vessel on paper has words on it. The words are called “the contract”. Another word for contract is “Constitution”.

Now a judge is required to make a contract (not to swear) for the constitution of the United States. In this case, it’s a contract of the contract states.

So, in order to support the contract of that condition of paper, the paperwork that you file to go into court is the constitution between two or more people in a closed area on the paper.

Those are the rules and the regulation of what’s happening in that courtroom.

Now you can have 50 different people all with their cases in hand. Two people are getting married, another person’s there for traffic, another for drunk driving, another for disorderly conduct, another one there for burglary, and so on…

See, they’re all different types of good and bad things.

Contract States Court

Each individual possesses a contract, that’s their own independent court.

And the judge will hear each independent court as a constitution or a contract between those people and the whoever they’re working with.

You might have a prosecuting attorney or prosecuting barrister or lawyer.

A lawyer is a person that advises you.

An attorney says he’s taking “power of attorney”, which makes you incompetent.

That means you have no comprehension, you can’t make contract… And he can say anything he wants, to sell you out, or support you, in any way he wants. And you have no say about it because the judge will make sure he doesn’t allow you to talk.

So when you have these contracts that come into court, you can only use just the words on that paper. And only those arguments can be made within, being in front of that judge.

You can’t go outside that.

When the judge reaches up and grabs a revised statute of Australia or the United States or any other country that this may be heard in, he’s actually taking and introducing a foreign argument from a document that’s not part of the source document that brings you into the court in first place.

So if it’s not written on the paper, it’s not part of the original constitution that’s before you.

Even if they use a number code, but they don’t give you a definition, the word “closure” comes into play now.

Under maritime law, all contracts must give [dis]closure.

So if you use abbreviations, acronyms, parentheses, quotation marks, square bracketing, put anything in a box…

Anything in a box is in a closed area, it can’t be considered.

Postal Service Jurisdiction

So all these little syntax rules apply.

And the word “ink”, ink is on paper.

Well, I-N means no and K is knowledge.

If you have ink on paper and you write it in adverb-verb, you have no knowledge.

A person who doesn’t have knowledge, has no jurisdiction to participate in a courtroom.

If the paperwork you file in front of a judge is all adverb-verb grammar, it contains no facts. Because it doesn’t use prepositional phrases that certify the one in 900 definitions of each fact.

All of the jurisdictions, all the prisons, all the military, all the police stations, everything is about vessels in dry dock under the port authorities.

So everything hinges, goes full circle, back to the post office, that controls the water, air, land, and energy on a global basis.

The post office is currently the government that runs both Australia, the United States, and for that fact, the post office controls all 250 countries.

And are responsible for the movement of that energy, so that people have the things that they need.

You are dealing with a postal service here, folks, making the Contract States Postal Service court venue…