Form Claim of Live Life; Common questions: How to complete Live-Life Claim Form? Where to download a Claim of Live-Life?

Alexander Pope (1688 -1744) warned us “A little learning is a dangerous thing

Having a driver licence doesn’t make some one ready to enter into a grand prix…

A “claim”, by definition, is a demand, or an assertion as a right. Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action. A claim also means an interest in, as in a possessory claim. As David-Wynn Miller says: “Miners (in the Gold Rush) made claims.”

In other words, a Live-Life Claim is not a “form that you fill in”.

To make a claim about your live-life, written in Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance (CSSCPSGP) begins with learning how to read and write CSSCPSGP sentences and sentence structures.

The lesson here is to not make assumptions and presumptions, and do your research before blindly jumping into contracts.

We all get into poo-poo by signing/autographing documents and entering into contracts that we do not fully comprehend.

As DWM says, three people can learn quantum grammar together and each write a live-life-claim, and be a witness to each of the three claims.

Only things we can certify as fact are to be CORRECT; and to be correct takes joinder of more than one man or woman.

When you understand the claim you are making, you’ll know how to handle your situation.

We’ve created a structured pathway to start learning Quantum Grammar in 7-Days here

God gave us freedom of choice… you have to decide what you think is the best course of action for your circumstances…