Quantum language parse syntax grammar technology developed by David-Wynn Miller, leverages mathematics to ensure the correctness of sentence construction.

DWM’s Quantum Grammar is based on mathematics,  and maritime law, in which the definitions of words depend on others that precede them

The word “Quantum” is from the Latin, meaning “sum, amount,” “as much as, so much as; how much? how far? how great an extent?”

Mathematics in Language

Mathematics is consistent throughout the world. From China to Argentina to Europe or Antarctica, 1+1 will always equal 2.

Mathematics is universally trusted because it’s an absolute fact. You can perform calculations forwards and verify them backwards to ensure consistency; for example, 2-1 will always equal 1.

This mathematical framework provides a precise means of communicating with structured syntax, thereby eliminating subjective interpretations.

Applying logic to mathematics allows for the conveyance of statements with unparalleled precision, benefiting both speakers and listeners alike. Effective communication relies on the mental capacities of all involved parties. And clear sentences eradicate the potential for unnecessary disputes stemming from misinterpretation or oversight.

You can use this technology, translating sentences into different languages using David’s procedures, without losing the original meaning. Some may argue this is impossible, claiming that the exact meaning of a sentence cannot be maintained through translation.

The most straightforward approach to drafting a document involves employing correct sentence structure communication syntax. Each sentence can be mathematically validated forwards and backwards, meaning there is only one way to interpret the sentence.

This leaves no room for ambiguity or subjective interpretations among parties to contracts or treaties.

In school, we are instructed to modify our facts, commonly known as nouns.

A noun, whether it’s a person, place, or thing, is an absolute fact.

Take a tree, for instance; it’s an undeniable fact, and you can find its definition in any language.

We modify nouns due to a lack of procedural understanding in our language.

Why the emphasis on punctuation in Quantum Language?

There’s only one correct way to present a noun: through a preposition, article, and noun in that order.

The primary modifier is the adverb, which alters verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and articles.

The adjective is another modifier, but it only affects nouns. In summary, an adverb modifies a verb, while an adjective modifies a noun.

A noun in front of a noun is a modifier, or and adjective. For example RED PEN. But if you just add a hyphen you create a compound noun RED-PEN.

Full colon creates a prepositional phrase, to keep a noun term. Because any use of a noun without a prepositional phrase will modify your noun.

Prepositions assign authority, determining time and place, and certifying what you’re about to say next: the article, which specifically identifies the subject matter.

All 1.6 million words in the English language are, in fact, nouns.

To reach the noun, certification, or subject matter, we must employ a preposition followed by an article. Any other sentence structure will modify the noun and distort the facts.

You cannot be “TO” or “FROM” an object at the same time, as “TO” represents future tense and “FROM” represents past tense.

These two concepts relate to time. The future has yet to occur, and the past no longer exists in the present tense.

Thus, for a sentence to be correct, the subject and verb must exist in the present tense regarding time.

Wriggle Proof Sentences

Structured communication, devoid of ambiguity, guarantees clarity in comprehension and precludes potential disputes over semantics. Currently, most legal language uses “adverb-verb” sentence structure communication syntax, syntax (descriptive or rhetorical versus factual).

Hence the judges’ secret “No law or fact shall be tried in court.”

When such errors are identified, Judges, Attorneys, and other Officers of the Court are compelled to recuse themselves, drop all charges, or face criminal charges themselves.

The development of Quantum Language Parse Syntax Grammar is a significant breakthrough facilitated by the Mathematics-Infused Language Interface pioneered by David-Wynn Miller. DWM deserves full credit for his discovery and advancement of this interface, which revolutionizes the precision and clarity of language communication.

DWM studies the rules of governing maritime law under the authority of the Universal Postal Union. He claims self-anointed postmasters have complete jurisdiction that supersedes all other political authority. Because the courts and governments are bankrupted holding companies trading in fiction.

DWMs ‘technology’ is a mathematical interface of all 5,000 languages designed to translate  wording to their true meanings.

‘The court is afraid of this technology because it shows that all court proceedings are 100% fraud.