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Tag Contracts

Correct Contract Writing

Correct contract writing is a skill that commands big bikkies. And in the adverb-verb-babble world of legal contracts, every word carries weight. Precision in language is not merely a matter of clarity; it can often determine the outcome of a… Continue Reading →

One Comma Cost Of Contract Writing

One comma cost of contract writing seems quite petty. Yet, this is a problem when lawyers use adverb-verb babble to write contracts. Like using an additional comma which creates a million-dollar lawsuit. Here’s an example of how Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance puts an… Continue Reading →

Legal Contracts and Blood Covenants

Legal contracts and blood covenants can be traced back to ancient times. Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has relied on various forms of agreements to solidify relationships, ensure mutual benefit, and establish trust. Long gone are the days of… Continue Reading →

Mortgage – 10-point valid Contract?

The obligation is not on the Borrower to prove the right of possession to property he or she holds title to. The obligation lies with the Bank to prove the Borrower is in default and that they have a right to possession.

Correct Sentence Structure Communication

With correct sentence structure communication you can write water-tight sentences no one can destroy, giving both parties fair and equitable contracts.

“I’ll Crumpet You While You Tanker…”

Knowledge of parts of speech & correct sentence structure quantum grammar has many benefits in writing contracts that lawyers cannot fight.

How To Avoid Tricks & Traps In Commercial Contracts

How to avoid tricks and traps in commercial contracts by looking at basic rules of grammar, language, and correct sentence structures

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