Regulatory capture occurs when regulatory agencies become controlled by the industries they oversee. When the industry or group influence or control the agency it’s supposed to be regulating, this impacts consumers. Often this happens when industry representatives or lobbyists are… Continue Reading →
Banking is fraud, except it’s not fraud if you have a banking license. Which may explain why banks are not seen as committing fraud with money creation. Even if there’s not full disclosure, when you go to the bank, cap… Continue Reading →
Truth versus fact – what is which? Facts are objective pieces of information that can be verified, while truth encompasses both objective facts and subjective beliefs or opinions. So how do we determine truth in contracts and agreements? Linguistic analysis… Continue Reading →
When lawyers deny any all claims, what are they saying? As DWM says, the definition of “ALL” is doing a handstand, holding the whole world in your hands. “Susan Forrest”, claims to be a partner of “Gadens” law firm in… Continue Reading →
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