What Chief says about :David-Wynn: Miller‘s website, (“Chief”, is here presumed to be :Russell-Jay: Gould, RJG), according to Rock:

[I’m going to relay what Chief says about DWM’s website:

There are traps in it.
Be careful if learning quantum grammar from there.
You won’t know what to watch out for

Those that believe Chief did something dishonorable in DWM’s life, have not looked at the forensics of those performances.

And DWM only wanted to educate the top 1% of humans (as to volition)?]

= = = = = = = =

Whether or not RJG’s claim is correct, is subject matter, and o-pin-ion; until Rock shows some evidence or facts, it matters not.

If more people invest time and energy into learning this technology, and less time picking nits, the world will be a better place…

For newbies, reading DWM’s website can be very overwhelming. When you think about the construction of the sentences, and read each page, rather than skimming, you might begin grasp the technology. It’s easy to sit back and criticise.

Learning new ideas requires focus and thinking.

It seems that today, thinking is a lost art. We’re conditioned to look for shortcuts and hacks…

And this is why Jasper created the7-Day Quickstart

When you study quantum grammar, and fully comprehend it, you could do as many others have done…

spot any errors on DWM’s website 🙂

Here’s what Lee says about the 7-Day Quickstart:

“Within the past week my under-standing of CSSCPSG has grown and formed dramatically.
Because of the program structure I’ve been more focused on the key elements.

I highly recommend this 7-Day Quickstart to any-one seeking to learn CSSCPSG.
– Lee-Stuart: Virgo, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Happy Days !!