Bank It, Own It, Claim It, or as Julius Caesar says, “I came, I saw, I conquered”. It’s about getting off our Butts, and achieving results quickly and easily without any trouble or resistance.

Simply put, the person who wants a change is responsible for making it happen.

Not only is it frustrating, it’s also utterly futile to sit around waiting for someone else to make our lives better.

While waiting, we feel helpless, hopeless, and friendless

When we become responsible, we take action.

So instead of allowing ourselves to be victims of the fates, we move things in the direction of our choice.

“Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum strong enough, and single-handed I can move the World.”
Archimedes of Syracuse.

That’s the challenge.

Instead of allowing the enemy (the banksters and the lawyers) to play you like a cat playing with a mouse, before devouring it.

It’s time to become the hunter instead of the hunted.

Bank It, Own It, Claim It.