Banksters Secret Deals are happening every day in every way, all around us.

The banks, the common interlace between hard core drug barons, professional criminals and governments which we elect from time to time…

“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”
I.F. Stone, journalist, in Jerry Buck’s documentary film ‘I.F. Stone’s Weekly’

”The greater the power, the greater the abuse.” Edmund Bourke, British House of Commons, 7 February, 1771.

Government denials

In How to prepare For The Coming Crash’, Robert L. Preston, writes:
“The more they (government) talk in a positive and reassuring tone…

The more they deny trouble…

And the more they deny any strong course of action then the more you can count on the fact that they are about to do something serious.

So the more they deny devaluation is in process, the more you can be sure that it is.

For example, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Stafford Cripps denied categorically that the English pound would be devalued, making such statements as “complete nonsense”, “under no circumstances”, and “completely unfounded reports”.

The Iast such statement was on 06 September 1949… On 18 September, 1949, the pound was devalued.

Price Controls

When President Nixon kept assuring the people that he did not want price controls, that he didn’t want Congress to even give him the power to have them, that he would never use them if they did…

What did he do?

He used them and froze wages and prices.

You can trust the people in government and economics to cover their intended actions with denials.

The louder and more frequent the denials are, the more sure you can be that that very action is imminent.”
Robert L. Preston, ‘How to prepare For The Coming Crash’, Hawkes Publications, USA, pp. 62-63.

Harry Browne, in ‘How To Profit From The Coming Devaluation’ claims US President Lyndon B. Johnson said the following when people in America started to hoard silver.:

“Some have asked whether silver coins will disappear. The answer is very definitely – No. Our present coins won’t disappear and they won’t even become rarities… if anybody has any idea of hoarding silver coins, let me say, the treasury has a lot of silver on hand, and it can be, and it will be used to keep the price of silver in line with its value in our present silver coin. There will be no profit in holding them out of circulation for the value of their silver content.”

Less than two years later the silver coins were withdrawn from service and replaced with nickel-plated copper coins.

”I have never known much good done by these who affected to trade for the public good.”
Adam Smith, ‘Wealth of Nations’, Book 1, p. 478.

People v the Banks

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is The People v the Banks.” Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875.

“What kind of justice is it when the nobleman, the banker, the money lender, in short, those who do nothing productive, glory in riches while the day labourers, teamsters, blacksmiths, carpenters and field workers, whose work cannot be dispensed with for a year, can sweat out a miserable existence at a level below that of beasts of burden.

Our animals do not work so long, are better fed and have greater security than they do, for our workers are pressed down by the hopelessness of the situation and the expectation of beggary in old age.

What they are paid does not cover their daily needs and to save for old age is out of the question. So we find shocking waste, luxury, triviality and vanity on the one side and abject misery on the other.”

Sir Thomas More, ‘Utopia’, London, 1515.

To see how it all comes together in real terms today, read ‘The Underground Empire – Where Crime and Government Embrace’, James Mills, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1987. It tells you about the banks, the common interlace between the hard core drug barons and professional criminals and the governments which we elect from time to time.

And this extract from an article published E.I.R. Volume 2 1 . Number 42. October 2 1994

“Executives of the Bank of Credit and Commerce Inter­national (BCCI) are indicted in October 1988, on charges they conspired with cocaine traffickers to launder millions of dollars in narcotics profits.

Banksters Secret Deals

Forty U.S. and foreign banks, evidently complicit in the international drug trade, are sub­poenaed to produce records before a Tampa, Florida grand jury. A majority of those subpoenaed are named in EIR’ s best-selling book, Dope, Inc., as among those lead­ing British and allied Wall Street banks in the business of washing dope money .

BCCI is further exposed as an instrument for the trans­actions of Oliver North and his associates, who are criminally employed by Vice President George Bush in the Iran and Contra operations .

But George Bush was elected U. S. President just weeks after the BCCI indictments . In December 1989, Bush ordered the U. S. bombing and invasion of Panama, killing thou­sands. Next, Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega, knowingthe  dirtiest drug-pushing secrets of BCCI, Bush, and North, is kidnapped and imprisoned in Florida.

Dope, Inc., the global drug cartel, led by world’s leading drug pusher George Soros, is driving  its maximum program… The legalization of all narcotics. “Dope, Inc.” covers more banksters Secret Deals… It’s been an underground best seller since it first came out in 1979.