Bank magicians make money from nothing … And it’s not even magic. It’s simple the clicking of a few keyboard keys…


Have you ever asked where does the bank get the money to lend to their borrowers?

Try it. Let us know what they say.

Imagine you’ve been away for a while, and haven’t checked your savings account.

One day there’s two-hundred thousand dollars in the account.

Next day, the balance is zero.

Because the bank is lending your money to a neighbour to buy their $220,000 house.

Is that how it works?


So how does it work?

The bank writes an I.O.U.

They create “money” out of nothing, out of “air.”

In simple terms, the banks have created an unlimited “money tree.”

Gullible and trusting people make all this possible… We, who are led to believe that banks lend us their own money … or money deposited by their clients in their cheque or savings account.

The banks really do not have any money or assets to lend.

Banking regulation does not permit the banks to lend their depositors’ money.

Your Promise, to Make Money

Money is created each time a borrower signs a promissory note which is then deposited into their account as “cash.”

The bank increases the book asset of “cash”, by the amount that is equivalent to the “loan.”

So the books balance.

But no “cash” or “money” was harmed in this transaction.

It’s not like the bank’s got a stash of cash in their vault waiting for you to that money.

The fact is, prior to the loan agreement, when we borrow “money”, that “money” did not exist.

Therefore the money had to come from somewhere.

Back in the day of honest banksters, only those with money could engage in the business of lending money.

That was when the banking business used to operate just like any other business.

If the bank did not have the money, they have to get the money from the central bank or another bank.

Banks would rent the money at wholesale (low interest), then lend it at retail (higher interest) to the borrower.

They couldn’t create unlimited amounts of money like they do now.
Yes, banks could issue debt certificates, or notes, but these are really not intended to be circulated as money.

In recent times, banks are no longer required to have money in order to lend money.

You might say: “duh?” … Yes it’s true, it’s called the fractional reserve banking system.

Bank Magicians Make Money From Nothing

This is because there is really no such thing as money.

So when you want to borrow money, you just go to one of these banks who does not have any money to lend, and they’ll create money on their CONputer, right in front of you, just like magic.

Just sign a promissory note or loan application form and voila!
With one quick CONputer entry, you now have money sitting in your account!
Or the bankster issues a cheque payable to you, even though these cheques are not backed by any currency or legal tender money.

WARNING: Don’t do this at home, do not write cheques without sufficient funds or you will be arrested and charged for the crime of false pretence under the Criminal Code.

Only the banksters are permitted (not by law) to write cheques with absolutely no funds and yet get away with it and then charge interest on these counterfeit, non-existent monies at criminal interest rates.

Banks can only legally do two things – take deposits and make loans.

Their corporate charter or power is very limited.

Nowhere in the Bank Act or the Constitution does it say that banks can lawfully or legally create money out of nothing.

Yet bank magicians make money from nothing…

And then lend us this counterfeit, non-existent (promise of) money and charge us interest for it.