Prepositional phrases in Quantum Grammar contracts consist of a [pre]position, its object (FACT), and any words that modify the object (article).

In common English grammar a prepositional phrase is groups of words made up of a preposition (such as to, with, or across), its object (a noun or pronoun), and any of the object’s modifiers (an article and/or an adjective). It is only a portion of a sentence and cannot stand on its own as a complete thought.

So prepositional phrases tells where something happens, when it happens, or helps to define a specific person or thing. Because of these functions, they’re essential to understanding a sentence:

  • Prepositional phrases are groups of words starting with a preposition.
  • Prepositional phrases often function as modifiers, describing nouns and verbs.
  • Phrases can’t stand alone. A prepositional phrase won’t contain the subject of a sentence.

List of Prepositions

In common English usage, prepositions include words like:
about, below, from, through, along, by, of, with, behind, for, past, against, beyond, near, up, before, except, over, after, between, into, until, at, during, outside, across, beside, inside, under, around, down, on, above, beneath, in, to, among, despite, off, without.

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While the Quantum Grammar Coach’s notes on this page are taken from DWM videos, do you own research by reading DWMLC.NET and watching DWM videos.

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Look at parts of speech, the adverb is used more than any other part of speech. Since the adverb is a modifier, it modifies the speed of which something is going to be modified.

And the adverb will modify a verb which is thinking or motion. So when you have a 1 in front of a 2 it’s an adverb creating the verb.

DWM uses 3 for an adjective, because an adjective represents Colour, Opinion and Modifier… for a modification.

Which means you’re going to change something… to try to influence an individual’s ability to think… by colouring it.

So if you colour something… then you change it, meaning you’re changing the facts, which is actually committing perjury…

Because you’re injecting your own prejudice or your opinions based on how you’re going to describe the Fact.

And the word DESCRIBE, DE- means No, and SCRIBE means to write, so you’re changing the condition to create a No-Written Document.

Position – Lodial – Fact

An adjective will always appear in front of a pronoun, you cannot have two pronouns together.

“Black” is a fact.

The word “Pen” is a fact.

When you put “Black” in front of “Pen” it means “Black Pen”.

So the “pronoun” Black, is now an adjective, and it prejudices the word “PEN”.

Because, instead of using the word “Black” (your opinion) you could use the word “Cobalt”…

Or “Carbon”, saying it’s a “Carbon Pen”, because Carbon is a shade of Black.

There’s 1200 shades of black… Same with “White”. Hold up a book with “white” pages, against a “white” sheet of paper, or a “white” shirt… Suddenly one of the shades of “white” now looks like a grey, or a brown, or blue shade of “white”.

In other words, there’s 1200 ways to modify the word “Pen”by just using one colour.

And colour is an infinity in opinion .

Using DWMs’ technology, we move to the parts of speech, Positional-Lodial-Fact, which is 5, 6 & 7…

The position of a word identifies the fact using the ABC alphabet, between two individuals.

When they come together, they have to agree on what alphabets they are going to use.

In China we’d be using the Chinese alphabet. Or in Russia we’d be using the Russian alphabet …or in France or Germany or if we’re in Arabic or Indian…

So the communication skills have to be established as to what alphabet you’re going to be using.

Then you have to take that alphabet and spell out your word…

Prepositional Phrases to Certify the Fact

If we’re using the English language, this would be a P-E-N.

If we’re going to write it in Hawaiian language it’s called a penny, PEN-NY, and in Spanish, a SCRIBOLA.

So the spelling of the word would then change…

And then we have to give a term to the word spelling, and identify what the pen is used for.

Let’s say: “The pen is used for writing”. It could be used as a pointer, or even as a “dangerous weapon”

So we’re going to give it a definition that both persons agree upon in order to communicate with each other.

And the POSITION is always followed by a condition of LODIAL.

LO means location, DI means original, and AL is contract.

That’s called PARSE of a word.

If we’re going to say “For my pen… for your pen, for her pen, for his pen, for our pen

Every time you change the LODIAL position of ownership, you change the definition of this pen.

If you say: “For your pen, for My pen, for her pen, for his pen…”

You’re changing the preposition, the POSITION and also changing the ownership.

So therefore the FACT is going to continue to change.

You can do this 900 different ways, because there are 68 prepositions and 38 articles.

When you multiply those out, they come to about 2000…divided by two is a 1000, minus about a hundred words that would never come together…

And you’d be using a logical explanation.

Prepositional Phrases For Math Certification

So therefore there’s about 900 logical explanations to identify this one object.

When you take two objects, using a prepositional phrase, and you bring them together…

Now you have “For the black of the pen, OR For the pen of the black.”

You have “BLACK” which is a FACT, and you have “PEN” which is a FACT.

Well, 900 x 900 = 810,000 variables that you can write this combination into.

When you add a third word to this:

For the Black of the Pen with the Writing

Now WRITING would then become a condition of a fact…

And now we have 900 x 810,000 = 729,000,000 variables.

For the Black of the Pen with the Writing on the Paper…

So with four words (facts) now we have 900 x 729,000,000 = 656,100,000,000 variables.

Now you can see this is becoming a very large complicated document …

When you’re going into a mathematical certification to create a correct prepositional phrase…

Or a correct structural sentence that are known as a parse a syntax grammar…

Position – Lodial – Fact = 5 – 6 – 7

With the parts of speech, Adverb = 1, Verb = 2, Adjective = 3, Pronoun = 4.

The next parts of speech are Position – Lodial – Fact, 5 – 6 – 7.

The number 5, (position) or [pre-]position, because in math, 5 comes before 6, comes before 7.

At primary school you learn to use a PREPOSITION, where PRE- means “No”- position.

Articles are words that you use with nouns, words like THE, A, AN, THESE, THOSE, to determine the noun.

Thing about “ART-ICLE”, ART = Vowel + 2 Consonants, = “No Contract”, meaning that together with a “PRE-POSITION”, you have a “No-Contract, No-Contract, No-Un”

So a preposition-article-noun says NOTHING.

And you’re lied to at school …

Prepositional Phrases and Time

Now DWM creates a new paradigm of Communications in Correct-Language-Format, he calls
Position – Lodial – Fact = 5 – 6 – 7.

So a prepositional phrase tells where something happens, when it happens, or helps to define a specific person or thing.

And we need to consider time.

Past time comes before future time, and 8 always comes in front of 9

So it’s a natural phenomenon of the way that the numbers fall.

And because an adverb comes before a verb; an adverb comes in front of an adjective…

The adjective comes before the pronoun, the Position-Lodial-Fact are always kept together as a 5-6-7…

And the past always comes in front of the future, words such as “FROM” or any word ending in –ED.

An –ED word represents the past…

And you learn at school that a sentence must be one thought…

So we have One-Venue, or One-Condition of thought, which is a Correct-Parse-Syntax-Grammar

Though in the world of fraud, where you might say :…Going to the store from the house…”

You have two different time factors, FROM & TO…

Which is now a lie, because there’s two conditions of time, and it’s no longer a single thought sentence.

So in the world of Fiction, this generates when you’re into fraud, fiction, lies, perjury, false guessing, presumption, and assumption.

Welcome to the world of our court systems, attorneys and lawyers… And this has been happening on this planet for 8,500 years.

Now’s the time to read your large old dictionary, and research the words like THE, A, and AN.

When you look at their definitions, you’ll see that they are only used as articles when they follow a [pre]position and come before a noun.

“America” On the Money

In any other instance, they are adverbs. And since adverbs modify verbs, when you look at a USA dollar bill:

“The United States of America”

As the last “President” of the US says in the sex trial:

“Well, the words on this document, the US$1.00 note, say: “The United States of America.” And there’s two autographs certifying this document.

[Because any one individual can make a claim about anything they choose, that’s called an opinion, so when two people get together and make a claim, that’s called certification.]

So on this document, we have “OF”, a preposition and “THE” is an article, except because they’re not together, that makes them both adverbs.

When you see the word “adverb”, or anytime you have a word stating with a vowel and two consonants, that means “No Contract”, so both adverbs are a “no contract” word, because they’re a modifier.

And the adverb “THE” modifies the adjective “United”, and again, “Adjective” is spelt ‘ADJ” which is colouring of something, therefore you are changing the word, which is perjury.

Now, the adjective “United”, “UN- “ means no, “ITE” means “citizen”, that’s parse.

So the adverb modifying the adjective now modifies the pronoun “States”. PRO=No; NO=No; UN= No; in Latin… now you have a no-no-no condition of “State”.

The condition of “State”, the pronoun, is now connected to the adverb “OF”, … “ADV”= No contract, is now modified by change; change = motion; motion = action; and action = verb, making the word “America” a dangling participle verb on the money.

Can anybody show me the verb “America”?

Do you see why DWM writes all his Quantum Grammar contracts using prepositional phrases.