Parse syntax relieves mortgage stress to overcome any scary lawyers’ Mortgage Foreclosure Notice or Letter of Demand” landing in your letterbox.
How does that school playground chorus go?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones… but words will never hurt me…”
Yeah … right… So why do you suddenly feel the need to change your undies because of some coloured ink squiggles on a sheet of paper?
Are you really getting stressed over some word-salad? Over something that’s not even addressed to you, the living being?
Because you make assumptions? Or Presumptions?
Or take it personally? Yup… Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt… (& soiled-undies)… Life’s too short to get stressed… In his seminars, Gary Halbert, one of the twentieth century’s master copywriters gets his audience to write a letter to their mom … He dictates the letter for them, to show the power of words on paper…
Dear “Mom”: If I weren’t such a long way from home, I probably wouldn’t have the guts to tell you this. But, the following has been true ever since I was born.
You have made my life a living hell. Every person I know has a mother that is superior to you in every positive way imaginable.
You are nothing more than a wrinkled up old bitch and, as far as I’m concerned, the biggest waste of skin God ever created.
Speaking of God, as the Lord knows, you’re certainly not too mentally swift either.
So, just in case your low I.Q. keeps you from understanding what I am trying to say, let me make it perfectly clear…
Eat Sh*t And Die!
Please don’t call or write me. I have no inclination whatsoever to communicate with you ever again.
Reluctantly your son or daughter,
(Sign Your Name)
Power of Words:
Dear Mom, I’m very busy right now and I don’t have time to call so that’s why I’m writing you this letter.
You know, Mom, not only are you responsible for my very existence you are also the nourishment that has made my life sparkle.
I’m under a lot of stress right now and, for some reason, I started thinking about you. And it has occurred to me maybe I haven’t let you know recently how much I appreciate you and how much I love you.
I especially like remembering you (add fond memory of your mother). Anyway, I’m going to make it a point to see you just as soon as I can. Love, (Sign Your name, or pet name)
The point is – your Mom gets the same envelope, the same piece of paper … the only difference is the words…
Bringing Joy, or Sadness
So do the study… Or rollover, “pay & obey”, and move on …until, as DWM says, you’re smart enough to work out how to pay in the Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar…
Parse syntax relieves mortgage stress
By the way… You don’t have to consent to giving anyone your email address… just because they ask for it. Always get the perpetrators to send you communications through snail mail.
Why ?
Watch the last ten minutes of the movie “The Firm” (Tom Cruise) … Or do some research around the infamous Bernie Madoff (world’s largest ripoff) case.
How’s this related to learning Quantum Grammar?
It’s all in the detail.
There’s International Rules of Grammar, in “Styles Manuals” and Dictionaries in very country, for conducting commerce worldwide.
These rules cover the use of adverbs, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, articles and nouns (FACTS).
When you syntax the “Demand Notice” you’ll have forensic evidence to prove the fraud, and stop the lawyers’ nonsense.
Showing that they can’t read or write, and are sending you adverb-verb babble that says nothing and demands nothing …
But, you’ve got to believe it.
And do the study…
4 October 2021 at 3:13 pm
Given that the technology of Quantum Grammar is based on mathematics
Where is the ‘incorrectness identifier’ or ‘Correctness Confirminator’ ?
I want to be able to type my quantum grammar message into a [field] and have it checked for correctness.
Errors can be highlighted similar to (dare I say it) a ‘Spell Checker’
4 October 2021 at 3:52 pm
Correctness confirmation comes by writing the same sentence frontwards/backwards
As DWM says, the human brain is smarter than any computer when writing CSSCPSG.
How does “spellcheck” help when writing words that have different meanings but same spelling?
Or correcting through and threw, site and sight?
You can’t be lazy writing CSSCPSG, you have to have a THINKING capacity, that not even Artificial Intelligence programs can match
9 January 2023 at 1:56 am
Hello Friends,
For five years I fought to stand up for myself against never-ending fraud, misrepresentation with intent to mislead, conspiracy to coverup, multiple lies
and more lies to hide blatant f*&%kery and just plain unconscionable acts inflicted on my person and myself by Royal Bank of Canada.
I emailing my branch at least three times a month.
I called them every week.
I called and emailed consumer protection agencies, ombudsmen, politicians, oversite committees, lawyers and the FCCC, as well as availing myself of whatever is available to learn online by
looking up acts, codes, and Canadian commerce law.
And it turns out a straight answer is near impossible to find even for a diligent seeker like myself, and most times i don’t even know what it is i should be searching for in the first place.
It is my opinion that this country is currently experiencing a cauterization of information, a situation that is proving to be frustratingly effective in its intended goal of keeping me in a suspended state of nescience and the vultures in an transcended state of thievery.
So I now find myself staring down the barrel of foreclosure – with only
$5000 left on my person’s mortgage.
After years of mistakes, rude refusals of reparation, refusals to cancel my disability insurance after mistakenly telling me I didn’t qualify to apply (several times they lied, I have AFFADAVITS from my father who was with me), a full year of simply being ignored 😳, and the fact that THEY’RE STILL CHARGING ME FOR THAT DISABILITY INSURANCE..(there’s even more, but you get my point)…
I’d finally had ENOUGH.
So I asked to see my original mortgage contract and promissory note, stating I would gladly pay any debt my person owed if deemed lawful, legal and fair.
Well they flat out ignored me for six months then sent me a document stating it was my mortgage contract, even though it clearly stated that it was NOT my mortgage contract. (I had to buy a magnifying glass from the dollar store just to read the damn thing… )
So I stopped paying, again making it clear that upon communication with me and the documents I requested, I would LOVE to pay any debts deemed lawful.
No answer..
Just a scary foreclosure notice.
And I don’t care if it’s only 5000.
I’ve owned houses through RBC for 25 years and NEVER MISSED A PAYMENT.
And if I cave in now it just clears the way for them to do this to the next person, AND I WONT HAVE THAT.
The bankster buck stops here!!
I HAVE to stand up to these SHINY SHOED, SOULESS GHOULS, because
However, I don’t have the expanse of knowledge needed, and the timer is now ticking on my foreclosure.
I am appreciative of anyone’s time, and although I do not have the means to pay at present, I can write, create pretty much anything artistic, and I always reciprocate in kind.
I am beyond grateful for ANY information sent my way and the time it takes to do so, is not lost on me. 🙏
A [unhappy] artist who’s going to rip open big banking’s throbbing carotid to get her bucket of blood back.
And i might even bring extra buckets, for those who never got the chance.
xoxo 💋
3 February 2023 at 8:30 am
There’s many different ways to handle this situation… it’s all about contracts