Why You Can’t Buy your Claim of the Live Life in Quantum Grammar? Because it’s no different than bribing your driving examiner to pass your driving test and get a driver’s license.
How do you learn about your Claim of the Live Life? By reading dwmlc.net, buying a copy of his book, and watching DWM videos.
Hours and hours watching the videos, thinking how the heck do we learn this stuff?
You can’t buy your Claim of the Live Life, because it’s cheating as well as being unproductive…
Want to know why? Yes, there are people selling a “Claim of Life”, though, DWM says, you can’t BUY a claim…
Why not? Well, think about it… in the early days of the Gold Rush, prospectors would make a claim, and then register that claim for their parcel of land.
You can only make a claim.
Claim: To demand, ask for, or take as one’s own or one’s due: claim a reward; claim one’s luggage at the airport carousel…
Here’s a few questions for you…
1) Do people get a driver license before learning how to drive?
2) Or get a University Degree certificate before doing any study or passing any exams?
3) And are you happy to certify a document that you don’t understand?
Because if you have no knowledge of CSSCPSG and you sign a “Claim of Life“, aren’t you making a fraudulent claim?
Do those people selling a “Claim of Life” tell you that it’s really a certificate of competency?
Isn’t it like a certificate to show that you have knowledge of Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar?
And it’s witnessed by two other people who also have knowledge of CSSCPSG
It takes most people at least 200 hours of focused study to grasp this technology.
So, what if you can find someone to help while you’re watching DWM videos. Someone who’s walking the walk, clearing a pathway for you to follow.
There’s more details here about our 7-day Quickstart, with some direction to help you with how to learn quantum grammar. It will save you time.
By which time, you’ll have comprehension about how to make your claim of the life, and what it means.
You’ll also know why people punctuate their names, instead of just copying.
So, before you waste you money, read this article, “What and Why your Claim of the Live Life”
10 September 2021 at 1:35 pm
I am just beginning to learn this technology through your posted information. I have been practicing syntaxing with the info that you have posted.It is fun but it takes time. My biggest issue have been with the IRS garnishing my funds. They have stopped now but the funds was taken unjustly.
10 September 2021 at 1:52 pm
Hey Donald,
It takes most people around 200 hours to grasp this technology…
DWM says, “Keep paying your taxes, until you’re not smart enough not to!”
12 September 2021 at 5:07 am
Ummm… Not “smart enough to not do it?” Is that sentence written incorrectly? Or is it really something DWM actually said?
Im confused.
12 September 2021 at 5:28 am
Hey Lolita,
Some people label DWM as a “Tax Protestor”, which is not correct.
With Quantum, DWM shows the IRS it’s all fiction, because he’s smart enough to do this.
Until you’re smart enough, DWM says, keep paying your taxes.
27 November 2021 at 8:28 am
I have always discussed any big decisions with my wife. I just explained to her that I was going to file a claim to life. She thinks I am losing my mind. I still think it is the correct to do.
27 November 2021 at 9:49 am
Hey Alex
Did you Buy Your “Claim of the Live Life?
Where are you going to file it?
Remember, Fact and Fiction don’t mix
31 December 2021 at 9:32 am
Good day with buying the claim of the live life claim through David wynn Miller’s site are you saying this is not the way to do this I am confused. There is a post master that has taken DWM processes on in Australia you have to buy the package tho it has step buy sep instructions for one to do the process correct. I also have a live life claim through purple thumb community witch does have there United tribes flag for all of us in the South Pacific with correct syntax Grammor and witnessed buy them tho you have made me think this is not correct tho it does have all of watt you describe for the live life claim could you tell me where this is wrong as every where I have looked including DWM site all sell the LLC as far as I am aware thankyou
31 December 2021 at 10:23 am
Stupid is as stupid does.
Your claim that there is “a purple thumb witch” is correct, showing ignorance of CSSCPSG, and thereby creating fiction documents.
DWM states that you cannot buy a “claim of the live life”, and explains the process to make your claim.
The fact that you are seeking to, or have already purchased a “live life claim” confirms acluistic actions.
Yes, there is a cost. Time, and effort. So instead of looking for shortcuts, read each page here, and you’ll figure it out. DWM says it takes most people around 200 hours.
Or keep paying wanna-be-quantum-gurus who just want to scam “innocent” ignorant suckers who want a quick-fix .
4 February 2022 at 7:38 am
Well this is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard of. I have known all my life that the “ official s” are lying. Isn’t it obvious?
So if it takes me a year or two I’m in.
I agree. You have to be capable with the knowledge.
Seems like the fact that the statements by the gov. Being coded language. Would instantly void all government contracts????
WHY NOT? I’ll wait for a good answers. Please!
4 February 2022 at 10:06 am
Great question, Russell.
Check your emails.
Most people invest at least 200 hours of focused study to grasp this technology.
So to help you move forward, read, observe, learn, and study each page here and then you’ll know how to start syntaxing documents to uncover the truth
18 February 2022 at 6:32 am
So if I use the right flag, syntax grammar and file myself it will have more value.
18 February 2022 at 1:32 pm
Hey Leanne,
when you finish the “7-Day Quickstart” program, you’ll know the answer
28 February 2022 at 10:36 am
Hi Jasper…To learn all this stuff in such short time, i must know already grammar syntax etc generally?
You are telling us that in a about a month +/-(200 hours) we should be ready to begin use this by our selves without any “master” and without give a way any money for this matter?
Of course not yet correctly, i am sure i will need more than a year to just begin mastering this or much more. Thank you very much, and forgive me if it sound as a childish with my questions. I do not feel a shame to declare it. It is the true.
1 March 2022 at 9:25 am
1) You can learn about grammar and syntaxing on this website.
2) Most students of CSSCPSGP invest around 200 hours to grasp this technology
3) Like everything, the more time you invest, the better you’ll be.
4) Everything you need to get started is on this website. If you want to save 100’s of hours read this page
Study and Learn the technology on this website every day for a year, and you should be proficient, if you don’t get side-tracked by watching videos that are not DWM.
13 May 2022 at 10:07 am
If the birth certificate system is dead and they are void then all are lost at sea we then get a claim of the life on contract with a purple thumb where is this registered and who keeps the files to prove its authenticity? and the quantum grammer is moving us away from the slang dog latin system used as english of today ran by the programmers to control us on the stock market, but does this mean now that every birth certificate and it’s straw man are worthless ? thanks
16 May 2022 at 12:46 pm
People believe what they want to believe. As Alexander Pope wrote many moons ago “A little learning is a dangerous thing”
When you take the time to study in depth, you’ll have the answers. (Beware of shekkel-chasing wolves in sheep’s clothing, pounding their chests…)
13 May 2022 at 10:09 am
how does having the claim of life effect receiving any social security checks one may be receiving ? thank you
16 May 2022 at 12:39 pm
Hey Brenda,
We want the benefits of Government handouts, yet don’t like the draw-backs. Oil and water doesn’t mix. When you learn about CSSCPSG, you’ll find the answers you’re searching for.
9 October 2022 at 10:49 pm
I only know how to speak Brazilian Portuguese (I am from Brazilian territory).
If you, or anyone who knows other souls from Brazilian territory who are willing for this study, or who are already qualified for the certificates, please contact me via this website
Vibrations of Peace and Love for all
Portuguese: ola, Jasper! Me chamam de Elí, quero agradecer a voce que esta administrando este site e enorme gratidão a D.W.M e sua família. . Eu estou no auge da minha Soberania individual geralmente atuo sozinha:Não tenho seguidores e nem sigo nenhum líder. E estou sempre pesquisando, estudando e de repente encontrei o site de D.W.M. onde ele disse na página que ele “ensinaria isto de graça”, então eu fiquei clicando nos links, e de repente encintrei esta “toca de coelho” com links e sub links , encontrei o material deste curso on line proposto no site. Ocorre que . Eu só sei falar a lingua português brasileiro( Sou do território brasileiro). Uso tradutor para entender o que esta escrito ( e para escrever esta) e geralmente o aplicativo não faz uma interpretação correta. Mas, consegui estudar uma boa parte do material proposto, assisti alguns videos(usei aplicativo tradutor com legenda).. e recentemente procurei colocar em prática o que aprendi: consegui dar uma resposta ao Cartório de Protesto de Notas com um Termo de Sentença Correta(de modo que se lê de frente para traz e de traz para frente e não modifica o verbo e nem a causa e nem a “vontade”, o sentido da frase é o mesmo, é um Fato!)
Quando aos Certificados de Clamor a Vida Vivo(que prova que sou um fato) e o Certificado de Post Master..ainda não encontrei nenhuma alma disposta a estudar a CSSCPSG(Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse) para ser meu Testemunho e autorizar. Eu .Fiz duas tentativas para esta Coletiva : reuni algumas almas para estudarmos juntas e nos habilitarmos a sermos testemunhas , e certificarmos umas a outras, mas sem sucesso! De início se interessaram.. até procurei facilitar o estudo para elas.. traduzindo alguns videos com legenda em audio(usei aplicativo tradutor)..mas sem sucesso! Todas deram desculpas de que “não tiveram tempo de se reunir, e outras fugiram da proposta de estudar para entender”!
Se voce, ou alguém conhecer outras almas de território brasileiro que esteja disposta para este estudo,ou que ja esteja habilitado para os certificados , me contate por gentileza :
contact me via this website
Eu estudei e entendi, mas ainda não me considero habilitada. Creio que a habilidade se cria com a pratica (a necessidade do uso).
Vibrações de Paz e Amor para todos
13 March 2023 at 9:52 pm
[I have a COL from : Russell -Jay: Gould. What is your position of validity on him?]
Thank you.
10 April 2023 at 7:26 am
Our opinions are simply that. Opinions.
The best place to find the answer to your question is going to the source.