Why You Can’t Buy your Claim of the Live Life in Quantum Grammar? Because it’s no different than bribing your driving examiner to pass your driving test and get a driver’s license.

How do you learn about your Claim of the Live Life? By reading dwmlc.net, buying a copy of his book, and watching DWM videos.

Hours and hours watching the videos, thinking how the heck do we learn this stuff?

You can’t buy your Claim of the Live Life, because it’s cheating as well as being unproductive…

Want to know why? Yes, there are people selling a “Claim of Life”, though, DWM says, you can’t BUY a claim…

Why not? Well, think about it… in the early days of the Gold Rush, prospectors would make a claim, and then register that claim for their parcel of land.

You can only make a claim.

Claim: To demand, ask for, or take as one’s own or one’s due: claim a reward; claim one’s luggage at the airport carousel…

Here’s a few questions for you…

1) Do people get a driver license before learning how to drive?

2) Or get a University Degree certificate before doing any study or passing any exams?

3) And are you happy to certify a document that you don’t understand?

Because if you have no knowledge of CSSCPSG and you sign a “Claim of Life“, aren’t you  making a fraudulent claim?

Do those people selling a “Claim of Life” tell you that it’s really a certificate of competency?

Isn’t it like a certificate to show that you have knowledge of Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar?

And it’s witnessed by two other people who also have knowledge of CSSCPSG

It takes most people at least 200 hours of focused study to grasp this technology.

So, what if you can find someone to help while you’re watching DWM videos. Someone who’s walking the walk, clearing a pathway for you to follow.

There’s more details here about our 7-day Quickstart, with some direction to help you with how to learn quantum grammar. It will save you time.

By which time, you’ll have comprehension about how to make your claim of the life, and what it means.

You’ll also know why people punctuate their names, instead of just copying.

So, before you waste you money, read this article, “What and Why  your Claim of the Live Life”