Everything is now time in eternity, which may be hard for many people to grasp.

Because everything we experience is time now.

So we can look at the beginning of an event, see it now, and think about it being in the future.

While in eternity there is no time, everything is time now.

Chuck Smith uses this example of the Rose Bowl Parade in downtown Pasedena:

Let’s say we get tickets for grandstand seats, at Lake Avenue and Colorado Boulevard.

So here we are.

We’re set up, sitting in the grandstand seats, waiting for the action. On our smart phone, we can watch the TV broadcast on live streaming.

Presently we hear the sound of bands. Looking up Colorado Boulevard towards Orange Grove we see that the first car, the President’s car, is coming.

We see, in front of him, there are these guys walking along with the banner.. and the President of the Rose Parade comes by… and does his stuff.

Now we see the bands start to come, and the floats start coming by, and we are oohing and awing over these floats… they’re absolutely gorgeous.

You can’t imagine how they could put these things together like that… the ingenuity and we’re just enthralled.

Now, as we are watching the floats go by, we see this one float from Alhambra, that’s won the President’s trophy.

We see that it is indeed a beautiful float… and as it goes by we clap, we cheer. All the crowd is excited because of the beauty of this float, as it goes on past.

And here come more bands, and horses, and floats…

As someone comes running up, they see us in the stands… So we look down, and they ask: “hey, has the Alhambra float gone by?”

“Oh yeah, about five minutes ago…”

“Oh no! I really wanted to see it!”

“Well, I’ll tell you what … get in your car, go on up the street, go ahead in the street, and get off in Sierra Madre and you’re probably able to see it go by.

Time Now Gets Interesting

Why time now gets interesting, is because to see what’s passed, you have to go ahead …

And you’ll see it’s passed, it’s already gone

But to see it now, you have to go ahead to see what’s passed.


So we get back into it watching the parade again, and pretty soon someone comes running up and says:
“Has the Long Beach float gone by yet?”

We say, “No, according to our program it should be here in about five minutes…”

“Oh… But I want to see it right now!”

“Well, go back on the parade route, and you can see what’s ahead …”

Do you see what’s happening here?

We’re at one point, and we’re watching the thing go by…

And so with us, part of the parade is past, and part of it is future.

But if you want to see what’s passed, you got to go ahead.

Yet, if you want to see what’s future, you have to go back!

Because we’re at a fixed point.

So here we are, at a fixed point in time.

We’re watching things go by…

But our Creator, God, is outside of time.

Now, you could get in the Goodyear blimp…so if you could go high above Colorado Boulevard, and look down on the parade.

From a great height, you would see the whole procession. You’d see the President’s car up here, and you would see the street sweepers in the back following the last horses…

And you can see the whole parade moving down Colorado Boulevard all at once, because you’re above it.

Now time in Eternity

So when we think about eternity, and what it means to us…

It’s like God, being outside of time, can look down and see the whole process at once.

He can see Adam and Eve eating the apple (if it was that forbidden fruit).

And God can see the end(?)… the battle of Armageddon, as far as the end of things…

All in their present order, God can look down and see the whole thing happening at once…

Which is why God is able to talk about things that haven’t happened yet, as though they’ve already happened… because in his dimension they have.

So He looks down from His vantage point, and He sees the future…

Now, I AM

And so God said that, you might know, that I AM God, and there’s no other god like me… I’m going to tell you things before they ever take place… So that when they do take place, you will know that I AM God.

As He has told us, in the book of Revelation…

He tells us things that are yet future.

So if you want to see what’s going to happen, then you can just turn to the Bible, and it will give you the future as it’s going to be coming…

God, who is outside of time, is going to tell us now things that are going to be transpiring that haven’t yet transpired… but they will be transpiring in the very near future.

Time now in eternity is God’s eternal nature, expressed in the words
“which is… which was… which is to come…”

He’s all of that at once. Time now in eternity past, present and future.