These two laws are your passport to freedom. In the amazon-jungle sized volumes of legislation, you’ll find the lowest common denominator. These two laws vacate the need for Courts, Lawyers, and virtually every government department on the planet.

These two laws are so simple, and easy to understand. There’s very little room to miss-interpret these two laws.

We’ve had these two laws for thousands of years, standing the test of time.

Problem is, they don’t serve the real criminals around the globe today, because these two laws leave no wriggle-room.

In any society, any culture on this planet, you’ll find these two laws, perhaps with some slight variations.

Where the arguments arise, is in the definition of one word in the first, the primary, law. Everyone has their own interpretation of the word.

Though, when push comes to shove, like it or not, without this solid foundation, we end up in a huge, ginormous, pile of horse manure… as witnessed by reading, watching, or listening to any of today’s headlines.

Consider the amount of money, and time, that’s been wasted on arguments… developed by “goo-dooders” wanting to make positive changes (aka push their own agendas) as criminal as the garbage laws they insist on creating.

Now people are hurting.

Big Time.

Depressions, stress, anxiety, psychological, physiological, and many other phfft-ological conditions have escalated by power-hungry-megla-maniacs pushing their agendas.

All because they’ve turned their backs on the foundation of wo/man-kind’s principles of living together on this planet.

Two Simple Laws.

Your passport to freedom.

Only today, you need something that seems lacking in the majority of the world’s population.

Notice the word “majority”.

With the majority using this one element, this one common factor, the world’s a happier, healthier, more joyful place to live.

Too many peeps are being dumbed down, brain-washed, mis-led, fooled, deliberately deceived…

And are now so exhausted, they’ve little energy to do what’s called for, like never before in human history.

The courage to stand up, because that’s all it takes, courage

Want to know these two laws?

Send an email to contact [at] smallchangebigprofits- dot – com
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