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Category Contracts, Law & Courts

False Claims To Extort Money By Twisting Words

They’re using false claims to extort money by with fraudulant grammar… And we’ve got the technology to prove those lies and show evidence of their confessions .

How To Get The Bank Stressing Over Your Mortgage

With the increase of Mortgage Arrears & Default Notices, here’s how to get The Bank stressing over your mortgage, making “The Bank” accountable…

What Is Law Of The Flag?

Everything in Commerce is about Contracts, and knowing Maritime and Law of the Flag is key to rescue you from situations & troubles

Tricks & Traps, why 3 + 3 = 7

Five Ways to stop Tricks & Traps being used against you in Court so a judge WON’T rule “3 + 3 = 7”, (Three plus Three does not equal Seven)…

Qualified For Bank’s $750,000 Compensation

Dangers of dodgy bank contracts, not reading fine print of terms and conditions can sometimes work in your favour

Why Guilty Till Proven Innocent

Presumption of law through fictitious conveyance of grammar leads to people labelled being guilty until you can prove yourself innocent in any court case.

3 Steps Handling Lawyers and Debt Collectors Enforcement Notices

When handling lawyers, debt collectors & enforcement agents, remember everything in the world revolves around wording in contracts

How To Own Your Freedom

Freedom, how to own it with Quantum Parse Syntax Grammar and correct sentence structure communication skills

How To Create Equal And Fair Contracts

Create Fair and Equal Contracts using correct sentence stucture to stop any Fiction Corporation or Organisation from damaging you

Hidden Art Of Word-Trickery- Part 2

Hidden art of word-trickery in written documents – Part 2, is a [Continued from Part 1]. Every time you make a presumption or an assumption, you open the door to falling for tricks and traps by your own volition. Mostly… Continue Reading →

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